PART 6: Food Facts!

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1. Pizza Hut was the first company to successfully deliver pizza to the ISS in 2001.

2. Honey never spoils! Its low water content and acidic nature make it difficult for bacteria to grow.

3. The ancient Aztecs used cacao beans as currency, valuing them so much that they used them to pay for goods and services. They seem to love it as much as us today!

4. In the 1830s, ketchup was advertised as a cure for digestive issues. The concoction back then had a bit more spice! I guess having ketchup now wouldn't really work if you have a stomach ache.

5. Kopi Luwak coffee beans are eaten, partially digested, and excreted by civet cats, which supposedly improves the coffee's flavor. This unique process makes it one of the world's priciest brews. Blegh.

6. Every year in Buñol, Spain, thousands gather for La Tomatina, an epic tomato fight where over 150,000 tomatoes are flung through the streets! Rotten Tomatoes got me like

7. In 1905, an 11-year-old named Frank Epperson left a cup of powdered soda mix and water with a stirring stick outside on a cold night. In the morning, he had a frozen treat-and popsicles were born!

8. Falling coconuts are responsible for around 150 deaths each year worldwide, which is more than Sharks that kill just 10. Bonkity bonkus.

9. Legend has it that in 1889, a chef made this pizza in the colors of the Italian flag (red tomatoes, white mozzarella, green basil) for Queen Margherita, and she loved it so much it was named after her.

10. When dried and aged, chili peppers get even hotter because the capsaicin (spicy compound) gets more concentrated as water evaporates.

11. There's a name for the Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Your Mouth: It's called arachibutyrophobia! It's mostly a funny, but real phobia. I kid you not, boy!

12. Calorie for calorie, broccoli actually has more protein than steak. But you'd have to eat a lot of it to get the same protein grams as a steak. That's why broccoli is more related to muscles.

13. The original recipe used a pound each of butter, sugar, flour, and eggs. It's evolved since then, but the name stuck!

14. Pizza is 300% better the next day! Alright, maybe not literally, but the science of starch retrogradation makes cold pizza taste so good! The flavors intensify as it sits, and the cheese texture changes for a new kind of tasty.

15. Potatoes were banned because they were thought to cause leprosy in the 1700s. They were only made legal after a pharmacist promoted them as a cure for food shortages!

16. Dr. William Morrison co-created the cotton candy machine in 1897, hoping the "fairy floss" would help people enjoy sweets in a lighter, airier way. Bro got humbled.

17. The Jamaican naseberry has a creamy, custardy texture and sweet taste that's said to resemble vanilla ice cream right off the tree.

18. The reason why birthday cakes have candles with them is because when the Greek people were sending offerings of cake to Artemis, the moon goddess, it had candles to symbolize the moon's light.

19. Created by Hans Riegel Sr. in Germany in 1922, the original "dancing bear" gummies quickly became a hit. Now there are all kinds of gummies, but the OG gummy bear remains a classic!

20. In the town of Coxheath, people compete in pie-throwing with different "splatter zones." It's all about creating maximum mess, and whipped cream pies are mandatory!

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