Chp.1:beginning ur story ....

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Sevyn (YN) POV ....

Yn:mom,why we have to move to LA ?(*starring at the window,with yo head sets on listing to music *)

N/A:(just to let y'all know, Nicki Minaj is your Mom)

Nicki:cuz you know my new boyfriend Meek wants us to move in with him and it's a mansion so it fits for three of us together boo .

Yn:oh yeah,forgot (*sighed*)

N/A:(Few mins later)

Nicki:so boo ,what you want to eat tho ,cuz im hungry too.

Yn:(*you didn't her her thru ur music*)

Nicki:(*hits your shoulder*)

Yn:ouch mom what was that for?

Nicki:gurl did yo ass hear me?

Yn:no,but what up tho?

Nicki:oh,well im hungry and i was wondering, what you want to eat before going to our new home?

Yn:oh,um,what about Wendy's?

Nicki:uhm,okay i guess

N/A:so you and your mom drove to Wendy's and start to order what y'all wanted......

PTDS (person thru drive thru speaker):welcome to Wendy's may i take our order plzz

Nicki:um yes, can i have two of the number ten chicken Nuggets meal and...gco

PTDS:gurl , You gonna have to speak up cuz i can't hear you.

Nicki:this bitch did not.....(*take off the 1 window*)look bitch don't make me hop out this motherfucking car today ,okay(*fake smiling*)

Yn:(*looking at yo mama crazy and bout to laugh*)

PTDS:bitch,bite me?

Yn:(*mouth drop*)

Nicki:you know what.....(*throw some water on her*)drink water ,thirsty bitch(*then takes off out the drive thru*)ooooo that bitch lucky she still alive ooo,bitch want me to catch a case tho....

Yn:mmm,im thinking of eating at our new home,do you mom?

Nicki:lol okay pooh bear(your nick name)

N/A:so you and Nicki. Drove to y'all new home and Nicki was super happy to see her boo thang Meek standing outside...

Nicki:omg my bae outside looking sexy for mami...

Yn:(*in your head*)this woman nasty asf,and did she said mami,oh hell nah cuh lmfao(*end of thought*) really .....y'all some mcnasties

Nicki:gurl hush ,your gonna have this shit some day too boo (*stops the car snd runs out to hug Meek*) Aye bae,i miss u....

Yn:mom,yo self just saw him like 50 mins ago...gco
Nicki:gurl shut up

Meek:lol,miss ya too bae,naw can yall ladies help me with y'all stuff inside plz

Nicki:sure anything for papi (*winks and kisses his lips*)

Yn:Omfg,ew,ew,EW!!!PLZ (*gets a maid*) get a room for both of them plzz I'll pay you

Nicki and Meek:Lmfao

Meek:i think this just going to be a one big happy family....(*group hugs them*)

15 mins later....your in your new room on your new bed laying down and Nicki knocks on your ...

Nicki:Aye pooh,i got some bad news,...

Yn:what is it?

Nicki:your friend Jade can't come tomorrow?

Yn:omfg why mom

Nicki:cuz(*crack a smile*)she came today instead....gco


Yn:my gurl Jade!!!(*runs up to her and hugs her tight...what yo butt doing here

Nicki:imma let y'all talk while I'll be with meek down stairs talking....

Jade:gurl i came to tell you that i live with my aunt now here,so i can see my first friend i met tho(*smiles hard*)

Yn:omfg,llf, that's great,oh yeah what time is it?

Jade:umm it's. 9:30,why?

Yn:gurl we got school tomorrow tho,ugh!!!

Jade:oh shit,i mean, oh crap i forgot about that.aye my aunt will take two of us to school tomorrow tho.

Yn:lol ,ight then i guess I'll see yo ass tomorrow then
Jade:yeah gurl you gonna see(*slaps her own ass*)this ass tomorrow lol,bye (*leaves your room and the house and goes home*)

Yn:(*yawns*)shit im tired...gco

Nicki:aye pooh we need to talk,(*her and meek sits at the end of your bed*)

Yn:(*sits up*)so talk to me fam?

Nicki:so you know me and Meek got our new song coming out right

Yn:yeAh what?

Meek:we got to go on tour Sevyn .

Yn:oh okay

Nicki:so you have no problem with that pooh bear?

Yn:lol yeah ,no prob ,but when y'all leaving ?

Nicki:tomorrow in the morning vefore you go to scho...gco

Yn:whoa,tomorrow,what im supposed to do by my self tomorrow..oh nvm I'll go by Jade's aunt house tomorrow

Nicki:oh okay,well let me and bae got to sleep so we can get up in the morning
Yn:ight night fam

Nicki:night pooh bear

Meek:night Sevyn (*closes the door behind them*)

Yn:shoot now im going to sleep...gco (*clicks the lamp off and then hear moaning and sound like a headboard hitting against the wall *)Oh my Fucking gosh EWWW!!!(*banging the wall*)aye man y'all mcnasties keep it down,a girl gotta get her beauty sleep tho...(*talks to her self*)you know what fuck it(*pulls out her ear phones and put some music on and went to sleep*)


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