Salt (5)

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**Tia POV

The next morning,I slowly cracked my eyes open,while I roamed the other side of the bed with my hand,in search of November. When I realized she wasn't there,I popped my eyes open and quickly sat up. She better not be downstairs with that ugly bitch.

Getting out of bed,I dashed into the bathroom to fix my hair and hygiene. I couldn't let Ms.FancyPants, peep me slipping. If she thinks she's going to come here and snatch my baby away from me,she has another thing coming.

After I was looking my best,hair and face wise,I power walked down the stairs. The sound of a woman giggling infiltrated my ear buds. Immediately clenching and unclenching my jaw,I quickly plastered a fake smile and entered the kitchen.

"Good morning my love. Good moooooring RayRay." I said to November, then cooed at baby Rhain.

"Mhm." November mumbled, feeding RayRay her breakfast.

"TeeeeTeeee!" RayRay yelled,causing food to fly out of her mouth.

"That's so nasty man!" November yelled,swatting RayRay with a cloth,causing her to giggle.

"I think it's cute. Good morning Tia." Rhain said,smiling up at me,like she knew something I didn't.

"I'll be back,I need to change my shirt." November said,getting up from her chair,then walking out of the room.

"I don't know if you heard me,but I said good morning." Rhain said,still smiling at me. I want to know what this beaver looking bitch,finds so damn funny. Smiling at me and shit. Its too early to be this damn happy.

"Mhm. So when are you leaving?" I asked,folding my arms across my chest.

"Excuse me?" She asked,fake astonished.

"You heard me bitch!" I whispered yelled,coming closer to her.

"Don't think your hey boo boo looking ass,is gonna come into my home and steal my woman away. So I'ma ask you again. When are you leaving?" I growled,close to her ear.

"BITCH!...BITCH!...BITCH!" RayRay yelled from her high chair.

"No! Baby noooo! Don't say that!" I yelled,covering her mouth.

"What did she just say?" November asked,entering the kitchen.

"Nothing." I replied,glaring at Rhain,daring her to snitch on me.

"Get your hand from my child's mouth Tia. What did you say baby?" November asked,coming to sit back down in front of her daughter.

"BITCH!" RayRay yelled, giggling. November instantly whipped her head around and glared at both Rhain and I.

"Who cursed in front of her?"

"Tia did." Rhain replied instantly, shaking her head.

"Really man. REALLY! Why are you cursing in front of my child!" November yelled, banging her hand on the table.

"Watch who you're raising your voice at! This is MY house!" I yelled back.

"Oh really? Well I think it's time that I leave." She replied, getting up and walked towards our bedroom.

"Baby i'm sorry!" I yelled chasing after her.

"Nah. Ain't no sorry over here bihh. Move out of my way!" She yelled, as she snatched a suit case from under the bed and walked into her closet.

"November please baby!" I yelled, throwing myself on her.

"Tia. I really don't want to leave, but i'm trying to raise my daughter up properly. I don't want her turning into what I was back in the day. I don't need my child hearing and repeating curse words. Why were you even cursing?" She asked, stopping to look down at me.

"It slipped. I'm sorry. Just please don't leave." I pleaded, tears rolling down my eyes.

"Tia get up. This is your first time messing up, so I'll give you another chance." She replied sighing.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yelled, getting up to kiss her all over her face. As soon as the embrace began, it was quickly interrupted by Rhain.

"Hello? Uh...RayRay said she wanted ice is it okay if I take her out?" Rhain asked, smirking. That stupid bitch knows exactly what she's doing.

"Yeah. I'll go with you." November replied, unwrapping my arms from her.

"Baby..." I whispered.

"You wanna come too?" She asked, already headed towards Rhain.

"That's fine. I'll stay here."


**November's Pov

"Things got really heated back there huh." Rhain said, helping RayRay finish her ice cream cone.

"You can say that. I still can't get over the fact that she cursed in front of my child like that. She said 'It slipped', i'm not buying that." I replied shaking my head.

"Well you shouldn't..." Rhain mumbled.

"Huh?" I asked, looking over at her, smiling.

"Nothing." She cooed.

"I've missed you forreal Rhain." I replied, licking my lips.

"Is that so?" She asked, blushing.

"Mhm. You and that sweet kitty." I whispered in her ear.

"I could always reintroduce you guys to one another." She winked.

"I'm just messing with you girl." I cheesed, turning my head. Even though Rhain and I have a pretty love story, I do love Tia.

"Oh...So how's your dad?" She asked.

"In jail, I guess. I lost touch with him."

"JAIL?!" She gasped.

"What you didn't know? He blew up an airplane, thinking I was on it. Dude tried to kill me." I replied, thinking back to that day I got separated from Rhain.

"Oh gosh! I remember that. Crazy that he tried to kill you. So not cool." She shook her head.

"Agreed. So how's your love life?" I asked sipping my milkshake.

"Don't act like you don't know November." She blushed.

"I don't know." I laughed,brushing her hair out of her face,with my finger.

"I'm still in love with you." She replied blushing.

"BITCH!...BITCH...BITCH!" RayRay yelled,giggling.

Frowning slightly, I looked away from her.

"Perhaps right now isn't the best time to discuss that." I mumbled.

"You're right..." She replied,giving me a sad,smile.

"Come on. Let's go back home." I whispered after the cloud of awkward silence floated about our heads. Without a word,Rhain picked up RayRay,then trailed behind me to my truck.

I really had a lot to think about now. Would opening the door to our old relationship be a wise one? What about,Tia and what we've built so far?
Sighing,I ran my hand down my face. Here with go again.

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