Flash Foward (1)

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**November's POV

"Rhain,bring that ass here girl!" I yelled at my now two year old daughter. She was currently running down the hallway butt naked. It's my fault for thinking she would actually listen to me, when I told her to sit and wait for her clothes.

"No! No! No!" I screamed,as she stopped and pee'd on the floor. Giggling, she ran off further down the hall. I looked at the pee in digust then continued chasing her. You would think I would have caught her by now,but she's really fast for a two year old. Plus I'm too lazy to actually run after her. I'm doing more of a power walk.

"Come here sweetie." My beautiful girlfriend said,picking her up when she ran right into her legs.

"Be careful. She's still leaking pee." I frowned.

"Ew. Well then,here you go." She replied handing Rhain over to me.

"Can you clean the pee up?" I asked,walking away. She sighed then started for the kitchen to get some paper towels.

"Loooooove you Tiaaaaa." I turned my head then laughed at her pouty face.

"Yeah whatever." She laughed smiling at me. You guys heard right,I said Tia. It's been two years and six months since I've last heard from Rhain. After I landed back in Ohio,the origin of my murderous ways,Tia invited me to stay with her. I'm aware that's a little fast considering I had only known her for a few hours,but she was there for me after Rhain was born. The emotional support was amazing when Rhain had to live in the hospital for a few months,because she was premature. Tia was right by my side day and night. Plus I didn't have a place to stay,so moving in with her was perfect. We started off as friends of course, but over time she grew on me. So we're pretty serious now.

I've tried to get in contact with the original Rhain,but I came up empty handed each time. So I eventually gave up. My father is still behind bars for saying bomb in the airport and premeditated homicide, against me. It hurts my heart to know that he tried to kill me! I was nothing but nice to him.Anyways, he didn't want to give me any information as to where Rhain went so I stopped contacting him. He can rot in that lonely jail cell for all I care.

Now it's just Tia,baby Rhain,and myself. I do wonder how the original one is doing. Sighing,I placed baby Rhain on the changing table in her nursery and wiped her butt with a warmed wipe.

"I should really spank you for peeing on the floor." I preached to her.

"Mawme!" Rhain yelled,kicking her feet.

"Stay still girl!" I yelled,getting frustrated. Grabbing her clothes,I struggled to put it on her. She's so bad! Girl be having me ready to pop mollies. I have no clue where she got her difficult ways from.

After she was finally clothed, I sat her up and admired her features. She was a spitting image of myself, but inherited her father's emerald eyes. Frowning from the memory of him,it was quickly replaced with a smile,after Rhain smiled at me. Her little smile melted my heart. I don't mean to brag, but my baby is gorgeous.

"There ya go stinky butt." I said,putting her down on the floor by her toys. Watching her for a few seconds,I smiled then walked out of her white and teal nursery. Lucky for us,Tia lived in a two bedroom condo,so we turned the spare one into a room for Rhain.Closing the tiny baby fence behind me when I walked out,I searched for Tia.

"Tiiiiia boh biiiiaaa. Where ya at girl?!" I yelled moonwalking around the house.

"Stop yelling November. I'm right here." She replied, from the kitchen island. Pushing her reading glasses up the bridge of her nose, she looked up at me then shook her head.

"What you shaking your head for?" I asked, walking over and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You're so silly." She smiled.

"That's what she said." I smirked.

"That doesn't even make sense." Tia laughed, swatting my arms.

"I know. So what are we doing today?"

"I don't know what YOU are doing, but I have to get ready to go. I have to work."

"When will you be back?" I frowned,already missing her. Times like this I hate that she's a flight attendant. She's gone for hours or sometimes days at a time.

"Tomorrow morning." She replied,picking up her newspaper and drinking her orange juice.

"Soooooo what am I supposed to do with Rhain? You know sometimes she stares at me man. Gives me the creeps."

"November... nevermind i'm not even going to say anything." Tia laughed.

"I'll walk her or something." I replied sipping her juice.

"She's not a dog."

"She did pee on the floor..."


"Kidding. Kidding." I said, putting my hands up.

"Yeah right." She replied as the house phone rang.

"You gonna get that?" I asked,leaning on the island.

"You're already standing. Go get it yourself."

"Yeah. But if I get it,I won't get to see you walk away." I replied,licking my lips.

"You're such a perv!" She replied,getting up and walking to the phone. Swinging her hips in the process. I couldn't help stare.

Tia got ten times more sexier over the years. When I say sexier,I mean that ass got phatter. Must be those squats that she's always doing. Her ass was now hanging out of the tiny sleeping shorts she had on,which gave me a nice show.

She turned around and winked at me after she and whoever was on the phone got into their conversation. I guess she felt me looking at her. Shaking my head,I sat on one of the stools and finished off her drink.

Tuning her out,I daydreamed of what life would have been like if it were Rhain here instead of Tia. How different things would have been.

"Baby. It's time for me to go." Tia whispered by my ear,frightening me.

"You okay? You look like you've been caught doing something you weren't supposed to." Tia said,looking concerned.

"I'm fine. Who was on the phone?"

"No one important. Just some guy trying to get me to buy his mixtape." She laughed,shaking her head.

"Do you really have to go?"

"Yessss baby. I'll make it up to you when I come back. I promise." She replied,kissing me on my lips.

"Fine." I smirked,grabbing her ass.

"Nasty self." She smiled.

Life right now is so simple,but something tells me a storm is rolling in.

Chapter one, yaaaay! I'm so happy to be writing November's POV's again. I missed this. So what do you guys think about November and Tia? Who saw it coming? What do you guys think about her parenting stills?

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