1 day before

7 0 0


I was now loading anything I wouldn't need tomorrow into the back of my fathers truck, with the help of Giovanna. It was a very hard process as neither of us could carry many boxes at once, and no one was helping us. But we were doing fairly well as we only have around five boxes left out of fifteen.


The whole truck loading thing took around an hour. We decided to go out after that because neither of us had anything better to do.

All I can think of is the long journey I have ahead of myself.

I can't believe I'm going to leave the only place over ever lived to go onto new things that are unsure, and that I'll most likely never get to come back here. Just 200 days after I arrive at this amazing (in my parents eyes) school, I'll be leaving again to go to college. And you know what the real kicker is? I have to share a room with someone I don't know, and use a public shower that all the other girls use. The thought disgusts me.

Two hours later ::1 pm::

I take one last look at my once full room that's now just got a mattress, before I close the door to my room and walk down stairs where Giovanna, my mom, and dad are waiting for me, Giovanna and mom won't be making the drive, so me and my dad are gonna get some quality time in the 5 hours it takes to get there.

Giovanna is tearing up.

"It's going to be ok, G" I say to her while wrapping my arms around her slightly shaking figure.

"This isn't the end it's only a different beginning." She states, before adding, "I'm always here, and you know if you can't reach me on my phone your parents have my land line." She says before walking out leaving it all out in the open, I hear her car start and listen as it gets fainter as she fades into the distance.

I look over to my mom who wears genuine sad eyes but puts on the smile like she always does, I smile back at her.

"I'm gonna miss you." I state simply before pulling her into a hug.

"I'll miss you too, sweetie, you have to promise to call every Friday night at 8, okay?" She says choking back tears.

"I promise, and hey there's always thanksgiving, and all them other holidays." I say, trying to comfort her.

"I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too mom." I state before waking out to my dads truck and jumping in. This is going to be a long drive

Five hours later ::roughly 5:30 pm::

"Honey, wake up we're here"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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