2026. The year that marked the end of the 3rd Great War and the United Nations had agreed to a world-wide isolation. While many nations around the world had joined together to ride out the isolation, many stayed within their borders. One of these na...
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States/Commonwealths: 1. Alabama (Capital-Montgomery) 2. Alaska (Capital-Juneau) 3. Arizona (Capital-Phoenix) 4. Arkansas (Capital-Little Rock) 5. California (Capital-Sacramento) 6. Colorado (Capital-Denver) 7. Connecticut (Capital-Hartford) 8. Delaware (Capital-Dover) 9. Florida (Capital-Tallahassee) 10. Georgia (Capital-Atlanta) 11. Hawaii (Capital-Honolulu) 12. Idaho (Capital-Boise) 13. Illinois (Capital-Springfield) 14. Indiana (Capital-Indianapolis) 15. Iowa (Capital-Des Moines) 16. Kansas (Capital-Topeka) 17. Kentucky (Capital-Frankfort) 18. Louisiana (Capital-Baton Rouge) 19. Maine (Capital-Augusta) 20. Maryland (Capital-Annapolis) 21. Massachusetts (Capital-Boston) 22. Michigan (Capital-Lansing) 23. Minnesota (Capital-St. Paul) 24. Mississippi (Capital-Jackson) 25. Missouri (Capital-Jefferson City) 26. Montana (Capital-Helena) 27. Nebraska (Capital-Lincoln) 28. Nevada (Capital-Carson City) 29. New Hampshire (Capital-Concord) 30. New Jersey (Capital-Trenton) 31. New Mexico (Capital-Santa Fe) 32. New York (Capital-Albany) 33. North Carolina (Capital-Raleigh) 34. North Dakota (Capital-Bismarck) 35. Ohio (Capital-Columbus) 36. Oklahoma (Capital-Oklahoma City) 37. Oregon (Capital-Salem) 38. Pennsylvania (Capital-Harrisburg) 39. Puerto Rico (Capital-San Juan) 40. Rhode Island (Capital-Providence) 41. South Carolina (Capital-Columbia) 42. South Dakota (Capital-Pierre) 43. Tennessee (Capital-Nashville) 44. Texas (Capital-Austin) 45. Utah (Capital-Salt Lake City) 46. Vermont (Capital-Montpelier) 47. Virginia (Capital-Richmond) 48. Virgin Islands (Capital-Charlotte Amalie) 49. Washington (Capital-Olympia) 50. West Virginia (Capital-Charleston) 51. Wisconsin (Capital-Madison) 52. Wyoming (Capital-Cheyenne)
Federal Territories: 1. Navassa Island 2. St. Pierre and Miquelon 3. Johnston Atoll 4. Midway Atoll (Part of Hawaii)
Notes: * Name: United States of America (USA) * Government: Constitutional Federal Presidential Republic (Multi-Party System) * Foundation: July 4, 1776 * Current Year: November 8th, 2035 * Official Language: N/A (English being the most common) * Official Religion: N/A (Christianity being the most common) * Capital: Washington D.C. * National Motto: E Pluribus Unum * Country Age: 259 * Population: 367.55 Million * Total GDP: 32.54 Trillion * Total States/Commonwealths: 52 * Total Square Miles: 3,802,363 * Total Square Kilometers: 9,848,077 * Largest State (Size): Alaska (665,384 Square Miles) * Largest State (Population): California (45 Million) * Smallest State (Size): Virgin Islands (258 Square Miles) * Smallest State (Population): Virgin Islands (132,563) * Oldest State: Delaware (December 7, 1787) * Youngest State: Virgin Islands (October 18, 1998) * Largest City (Size): Sitka, Alaska * Largest City (Population): New York City, New York * Oldest City (Overall): San Juan, Puerto Rico * Oldest City (Mainland): St. Augustine, Florida * States with highest GDP: * California (4.17 Trillion) * Texas (2.8 Trillion) * New York (2.1 Trillion) * Florida (1.8 Trillion) * Michigan (1.5 Trillion) * States admitted in order: 1. Delaware 2. Pennsylvania 3. New Jersey 4. Georgia 5. Connecticut 6. Massachusetts 7. Maryland 8. South Carolina 9. New Hampshire 10. Virginia 11. New York 12. North Carolina 13. Rhode Island 14. Vermont 15. Kentucky 16. Tennessee 17. Ohio 18. Louisiana 19. Indiana 20. Mississippi 21. Illinois 22. Alabama 23. Maine 24. Missouri 25. Arkansas 26. Michigan 27. Florida 28. Texas 29. Iowa 30. Wisconsin 31. California 32. Minnesota 33. Oregon 34. Kansas 35. West Virginia 36. Nevada 37. Nebraska 38. Colorado 39. North Dakota 40. South Dakota 41. Montana 42. Washington 43. Idaho 44. Wyoming 45. Utah 46. Oklahoma 47. New Mexico 48. Arizona 49. Alaska 50. Hawaii 51. Puerto Rico 52. Virgin Islands * Top 25 Cities: 1. New York City 2. Los Angeles 3. Chicago 4. Houston 5. Phoenix 6. Philadelphia 7. San Antonio 8. San Diego 9. Detroit 10. Dallas 11. Jacksonville 12. Austin 13. Fort Worth 14. San Jose 15. Columbus 16. Charlotte 17. Indianapolis 18. San Francisco 19. Seattle 20. Denver 21. Oklahoma City 22. Nashville 23. El Paso 24. Washington D.C. 25. Las Vegas * Total Life Expectancy: 82.21 Years * Happiness Rank: 1st * Education Rank: 1st * Homeless: 3 per 10,000 people * Poverty: 2.7% * Unemployment: 2% * Obesity Rate: 6% of the population * Inflation: 1.3% * Birth Rate/Population Growth: Slow * IMR: 3.8 per 1,000 live births * Economy Type: Internal Mixed Economy * HDI: 0.944 (Very High) * Gini: 24.8 * Democratic Index: 8.27 * Internal Stability: 94% * War Support: 3% * National Debt: 510 Billion * Major Improvements: * Bio-Domes to grow goods for manufacturing & agriculture * High speed rails system to most major cities * Redeveloped abandoned areas of towns & cities for housing, business, and industry * New jobs for agriculture, industry, tech, manufacturing, etc. * Wide-spread usage of cleaner and renewable energy * Universal Healthcare * Universal Education * Universal Suffrage * New opportunities for tourism * Higher-quality synthetic materials * Highly regulated businesses and corporations * High environmental protection * Cleaner cities * Proper public transportation * Regulated police * Self-sufficiency * Affordable housing * Balanced political atmosphere * Reduction of radical groups * Properly funded and reformed military * Balanced wages * Proper wealth tax * Better support for Native Americans and Veterans * Proper gun regulations * Currency: US Dollar * Measurement Systems: * Imperial * Metric (Occasionally) * Major Sources of Power: * Hydro * Nuclear * Solar * Wind * Coal * Natural Gas * Geothermal * Oil * National Anthem: Star-Spangled Banner * National Bird: Bald Eagle * National Flower: Rose * Major Parties: * Democrat * Republican * Independent * Minor Parties: Dozens of them * Voting System: 10 candidates from each major party run for President. Every candidate from each party goes through election rounds and debates until 1 candidate from every party makes it to Election Night. Whoever gets the majority of votes wins. Senators, Representatives, and Justices work the same in our timeline. Election Day is November 5th, with Inauguration Day being January 20th. * Presidential Term: 2 Terms (4 years) * Senator/Representative Term: 5 Terms (2 years) * Justice Term: 20 years * Total number of Presidents: 47 * President Age: 35 min/75 max * Senator/Representative Age: 25 min/65 max * Justice Age: 30 min/80 max * List of Presidents: 1. George Washington 2. John Adams 3. Thomas Jefferson 4. James Madison 5. James Monroe 6. John Quincy Adams 7. Andrew Jackson 8. Martin Van Buren 9. William Henry Harrison 10. John Tyler 11. James K. Polk 12. Zachary Taylor 13. Millard Fillmore 14. Franklin Pierce 15. James Buchanan 16. Abraham Lincoln 17. Andrew Johnson 18. Ulysses S. Grant 19. Rutherford B. Hayes 20. James Garfield 21. Chester Arthur 22. Grover Cleveland 23. Benjamin Harrison 24. Grover Cleveland 25. William McKinley 26. Teddy Roosevelt 27. William Howard Taft 28. Woodrow Wilson 29. Warren G. Harding 30. Calvin Coolidge 31. Herbert Hoover 32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 33. Harry S. Truman 34. Dwight D. Eisenhower 35. John F. Kennedy 36. Lyndon B. Johnson 37. Richard Nixon 38. Gerald R. Ford 39. Jimmy Carter 40. Ronald Reagan 41. George H.W. Bush 42. William 'Bill' Clinton 43. Al Gore 44. John McCain 45. Barack Obama 46. Luisa Ramirez 47. Gregory Keller * The Flag: The symbolism of the US flag is the same as in our timeline. The design of the flag has 52 stars. * Military Size: The USA, as of current standing, has over 1,175,000 well-trained, active servicemen and women, with over 520,000 in reserves. Due to the isolation before the transfer, all military personnel and equipment came with, including ships. Both the MacArthur and Truman OKPs (Orbital Kinetic Platforms) were transferred with all personnel, as with satellites. * Military Branches: * Army * Marines * Air Force * Navy * National Guard * Coast Guard * Space Force * Current Status: Hyperpower (Isolation)
National Flag:
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Coat of Arms:
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Johnston And Midway Atoll:
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