Meeting the one

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As for the girls who do loose their virginity in their teens... Like 90% it normally by that special guy. Their "Mr right" "mr.perfect" "the one" well atleast the person who seems to be at the time.

For some Mr Right comes along really quickly as for others like my self it took a while. It took a few heart breaks, some big mistakes and even riding solo for a little while.

But sometimes our expectations get way of us meeting the one. I mean at the beginning of high school my Mr right was light skinned brown eyes pink lips sexy accent.. I know every girls prince charming right? But with age comes wisdom you learn that the true beauty of someone lies on the inside and that most of these stereotype prince charming are too caught up in their looks they forget to build a personality and become a Fuck Boy..

I've meet a couple of them.. fortunetly I had most of them as friends so I wouldn't be played. But there where a few exceptions.

When I was in fourth form (15 years old) I meet this guy. He had all the things on my wish list. We started talking and in no time we were a couple. He was so sweet and romantic nothing I expected him to be. So six months past and tbh I really thought he was going to be my Mr right. I was ready to give him my all, my innocence... to take my V-card.

But something happened he changed or maybe I began to see the real him.He told me he could not wait any longer to have sex with me and anything he waited so long for prob was not even going to be worth it.

I was devastated heart broken humiliated. I was about to give my virginity to guy who does not even value me. I cried so that day it was not even funny.

Now I don't mean to bash all outstandingly handsome looking guys but you guys are what we call heartbreakers.

So I didn't loose my v-card it to the fuck boy.

I had a couple boyfriends between then and when I actually lost IT but I never allowed them very close to me. But Mr right changed that. Who would have ever thought he would be the one to though.

Guys ... well most don't really look or wait very hard to find the ideal girl to have sex with for the first time. They just bang the first availible girl to prove there "manhood". Guys and their big egos don't want it to be known that at a certin age they are still virgins. So they can't bother to sit around and wait for his ideal girl to be ready enough to have sex he just goes and looses it to any slut out there. It's so unimportant to some of them they don't even get why girls make such a big deal about savering it for the right person and why it matters to us so much that it's a magical experience.

Girls and boys have their diffrence when it comes to doing it for the first time and it's importance but they both have to admit.. with the right person sex is addictive.

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