Chapter 15- What if I Want a Husband

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A/N: AH! Thank you so much for 1k reads guys. That's awesome! I didn't really expect this story to be read by many people at all, but thanks for the votes and comments and of course, for reading this in general! It really helps to motivate me with this story, due to my constant writers block and the millions of times I've wanted to give up on it!


Eren's pov

I bit my lip as I waited impatiently for news on Armin's condition. So far I hadn't heard a single word, and it was worrying me to no end. He would be fine of course... Right? They're just kids, hardly older than us, they wouldn't have done something so bad to him that... That... Of course they would. They were going to kill him! Now I was angry again. Oh the glorious roller coaster emotions of a teenager. A teenager with anger issues.

"Eren Jaeger! What the hell is going on here?!" I looked from my feet, up to my mothers angry glare. She had a hand on her hip and a terrifying look in her eyes, that was basically screaming there will be no forgiveness.

To answer her threatening glare, I simply stood, whispered a goodbye to Mikasa, and headed for the exit. Of course, I wanted to stay and wait for some sort of update on Armin, but to do that I would now have to wait with my mother, and it was taking all of me not to explode right there and then. Our fights were loud, and crazy, and something that didn't need to happen in a hospital. I'd rather it be in the solitude of our house, or at the very least, our car. Depending how long I could hold my anger in.

Luckily, my mother followed me out to the car without question, and said nothing when I sat in the backseat rather than sitting beside her up front. She hadn't even said a single word about my hands yet. Or my neck. Or anything really. It was surprising, considering how angry she had seemed before. Maybe she had the same idea as me: keep it in until we get home.

Or maybe not.

"Eren, I want a full explanation, and I want it now. First you disappear this morning without my consent, and you're gone all day. Then I get a call from you and you're at the hospital. Tell me what I'm supposed to be thinking right now!" Her angry eyes bore into mine through the mirror, and I just glared back, and shrugged.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"You don't know?! Eren, I've been worried sick! You have no idea what it's like when you're own child runs away without telling you, then tells you they're at the fucking hospital! I have no idea what could have happened to you, you've been gone all day! When you have your own kids you'll understand! You came out of me god dammit! I gave birth to you! I've taken care of you you're whole life, and yet you can do this to me with no guilt?! Imagine you and your wife have just had a child, and then you're left all alone to raise it, and this happens! Imagine that!"

"What if I don't want to have kids! What if I don't want a wife!"

"Well then what will you do, Eren? You could live alone, but what kind of a life is that? If you just find yourself a wife and settle with her-"

"Well I don't want a wife!"

"Then what do you want?!"

"What if I want a husband?!"

The tires screeched and I was flung forward into the seat in front of me as the car came to a sudden halt. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, and was soon gasping for breath.

"Get out,"


"I said, get out!!" She glared at me with such hatred, and I didn't know if it was because I was angry, or scared, but I had to get out. I fumbled with the door handle, trying and failing to open it with my stupid hands. And then we were moving again.

"Eren, we are going home, and you are never leaving again. Now tell me what happened."

"I thought you told me to-"

"Never mind that! Just tell me what happened." She looked hysterical. I wasn't even sure of anything anymore, so I just sputtered out the story, and waited for a reaction. There was none.

The rest of the ride home was completely silent, not a single word uttered between the two of us. All I could do was play over my mothers reactions to my words, one at a time, as she processed what I had said. Her first reaction scared me the most. The moment she realized the meaning behind my words, she'd wanted nothing to do with me. She must have been disgusted. I was an abomination in her eyes, and she was ready to kick me out. Then she seemed to understand what she almost did, and stopped me before I could leave, and now... She was probably the same as me. In shock and trying to understand what just happened.

All I could wonder now was how much would change between us.

* * *

I lay in my bed that night, staring at my ceiling, and then I couldn't do it anymore. Being in that house with her made me feel sick, and I couldn't stand the torture of not knowing how Armin was doing, so I did something I'd been doing way too often lately.

I didn't think I'd be able to get out my window without having the full abilities of my hands, so I just snuck out the front door, and ran to Annie's house. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

"Hello?" The blonde said as she opened the door and looked at me quizzically through half-closed eyes. "Dude, you look like shit."

"Wow, thanks," I muttered sarcastically. "But anyway, Im not here to talk about how I look, I'm here because I need a ride to the hospital."

"No thanks, I don't feel like driving out there again."

"Come on, you aren't serious, are you? I've gotta know how he's doing! If I don't, then-"

"Shut up you idiot, of course I'll drive you there. But on one condition."


"You're buying us McDonalds."

I rolled my eyes, but she just looked at me so seriously, I almost laughed.

"Fine. Deal."


A/N: Lol it's me again. Ok, so I'm sorry about the very short chapter, but I just wanted to update this as soon as I could, because I haven't in a while. I promise though, I will try my hardest to make the next chapter longer!

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