Chapter 18

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The day I went home my dad's and grandma where so happy for me. I felt so proud of myself. I can't believe I made everyone in this house so happy. But I live so close to Rin and Southern. Yeah, my ass is in pain as well.

My phone goes off and it's Mr.Cash. "Hello"

"Hey, kid we need you at the Yuma building. I know you just got home but we got some good news for you."

"Ok I'll be on my way." I hang up running to the limo. As I sit in the back seet I see Southern and his girlfriend fighting in the front yard. I watch like a messy person with popcorn. But I soon keep driving and I left at them yelling.

I sigh and think. I hope Southern isn't planing anything.


Once I got there Rin and his dad where sitting at the other side of the desk. "Yes sir"

"Well congrats on the win."

"Thank you sir."

"But, we called you here because me and Rin want you to be at are level. So for now on, you are my 2nd side manager."

I looked at Rin. "That's the same thing I am"

I stand up shaking Mr.Yuma hand. I got my own office and desk. I smiled as Rin stands there at the door. "How did you guys deside who will be his manager?"

"It's a vote from everyone. And you, Southern, and Rose where on the board. And everyone loves you."

"Yes! So that means I'm at the same level as you. I'm not a under dog"


"Itsts a thing my dad's do. You're first a under dog, then a puppy, than I think a pig in humans clothes, then a ape, and then a human. And last a prince or king."

"What are you to level up with me?"

"You're a king and I'm a prince."

"Close enough. I gotta go, and you got a lot of work to do now"

"Yeah I know...I'll get started."


"Bye!" I wave as he left. I got in packed and started on my paper work.


I'm still at work. It's almost 9 now. A lot of paper work indeed. A bunch of guys walked in. Like 10 of them. "Can I help you?"

"No, but we have some business to finish." They all laugh. Then I realized they are the same guys who beaten me and my friends up. And I blamed Rin. So wait if Rin didn't send them. Who did?

"Unfinished business huh, how can I help you." I shake scared the worst could happen. They all look at me. There is hidden camera in the ceiling. And a button on my desk hidden.

But it's 9 the next guard doesn't get here till 10. One leaves and one comes. But there is a 1 hour gap. The all gather around me punching and kicking me. I cover my face.

They all run out. Then I hear yells. Then Rin runs in. "What the hell happened!?"

"Those guys kinda beat my ass." I had scars and marks. My nose and parts of my body where bleeding. Rin picked me up. "We are going home now."

"But I'm not done"

"You'll do it tomorrow."


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