First impressions

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Shawn Hunter leaned back against his locker, arms crossed, trying to stay awake as the Monday morning chaos of John Adams High buzzed around him. The usual scene played out in front of him: kids rushing to class, teachers ushering them along, Cory rambling on about some homework assignment they both neglected. Shawn nodded here and there, only half-listening, lost in the monotony of his own life.

That's when he noticed her.

A girl stood a few lockers down, her head bent over a crumpled piece of paper in her hand, looking entirely out of place. She was dressed simply, a little rough around the edges-dark jeans, scuffed boots, and an old army jacket too big for her slender frame. She was beautiful, but not in a polished way. It was more like a quiet kind of beauty that made you want to look twice.

Shawn nudged Cory. "Hey, who's the new girl?"

Cory barely glanced over. "Oh, I don't know. I heard she transferred here from Philly or something."

Before Shawn could ask anything else, Mr. Feeny, their ever-watchful principal, suddenly appeared beside them, hands clasped and an expectant look on his face.

"Mr. Hunter, if you're not too busy with... pressing hallway duties, would you mind helping Ms. Dawson find her way around school?" Feeny's voice held its usual sternness, though Shawn thought he detected a hint of amusement in the old man's eyes.

Shawn tried not to groan. He wasn't exactly known for being a model student or, well, a tour guide. But something about the girl piqued his interest. Maybe it was the lost look in her eyes, something he could oddly relate to. Whatever it was, he managed a grin and nodded.

"Sure thing, Feeny," he said with a smirk, brushing off his reluctance. "I'll show her the ropes."

As Feeny walked off, Shawn approached the girl, clearing his throat. She looked up, her eyes a striking shade of brown that locked onto him with an unguarded curiosity. Unlike most new students, she didn't seem nervous, but rather intrigued by her surroundings, like she was sizing up the place.

"You're Shawn?" she asked, eyebrow raised.

"That's me," he replied, trying his best to seem unfazed. "Guess I'm your personal tour guide for the day."

She gave him a small, almost teasing smile."Thought the principal said the student want cute but hey Lucky me."

"Yeah, don't get too excited," he chuckled, starting to walk, motioning for her to follow. "So, what's the deal? You got stuck with us because...?"

"Parents wanted a 'fresh start,'" she replied, using air quotes, her voice carrying a hint of sarcasm. "Figured a smaller town might 'do me good.'"

"Ah, the 'do you good' line," Shawn said knowingly. "Trust me, I get it. And they shipped you here, to scenic Philadelphia suburbia?"

She laughed, the sound easy and genuine. "Pretty much. Not exactly my scene, but I'll survive."

They walked the halls, Shawn pointing out the basics-the library, the gym, the classrooms-adding little comments here and there about the teachers, just enough to make her laugh. He found himself studying her reactions, drawn to the way she seemed to soak everything in, yet remain detached, as if she wasn't entirely sold on the place.

"So, Shawn," she said, after he pointed out the cafeteria, "what's your deal?"

Shawn chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "My deal? I guess I'm the guy who's usually in trouble, skipping class, or, you know, trying to avoid the next lecture from Feeny."

"Rebel without a cause?" she quipped, her eyes dancing with amusement.

"Something like that," he replied with a smirk. "And you? Just the new girl from Philly?"

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