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School. Bleh. I hate school. It's just filled with a bunch of sluts and players. Makes me sick. All you see is people making fucking babies in the middle of the hallway. It makes me sick. I turn up my volume on my music. I'm blasting 'In The End' by Black Veil Brides. I brush my long purple hair out of my eyes. 

As I walk down the hallway, someone bumps into me. Knocking my head phones off. It was Claire... My twin sister. She was blond, pale, blue eyes, and girly to all beat hell. She was nothing like me. "Oops. I bumped into the emo girl of the school." Her little followers giggled at what she said. "Watch where you're going next time, you little fucking cunt." She growls at me. Few things everyone should know about me... I'm the number one street fighter... Never lost a fight... And I don't insults very well... I clench my fist. 

"What did you just call me?" I sneer. 

"A fucking little cunt!" She yelled in my face. Everyone stopped to look. I crack my neck. 

"You're gonna wish you never said those words, sister..." I punch her in the face. She stumbles back, I punch her in the stomach. Then kick her legs out from underneath her. Causing her to fall onto the ground. I get down and punch the shit out of her. Someone pulled me off of her. 

"Benit... Those moves can kill a girl like that..." I know who's voice that is... Vick(She's a girl). My best friend. 

"The little bitch deserved it." I snarl. 

"I THINK YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" Claire yelled. 

"GOOD! GO CRY TO MOM ABOUT IT! I'M NOT GOING TO GET IN TROUBLE! MOM HAS NO AUTHORITY OVER ME!" I yell back at her. I give her one last kick in the stomach. Then Vick pulls me away. 

"You need to save your energy. You have a fight tonight. I will not have you lose." Vick scoilds me. I just roll my eyes, 

"Like I would lose anyway, Vick." I walk down the hall with her. Then... I see someone that I've never seen in my school... He was... Gorgeous... Black hair, beautiful hazel eyes, ivory colored skin... Just... Gorgeous... As I watched him, with my jaw hung open wide, he looks at me, then smirks. I blush, then look away. He was coming towards me. 

"Hey. I'm Drake. Drake Blair." Drake flashed me his fucking amazing smile. I nearly melted. 

"I'm Benit... It's nice to meet you..." I say shyly. What is happening to me. Vick gives me a weird look, then turns her attention to Drake. 

"The names Vick. Vick Anderson." She introduces herself to him with a very big smile. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you, ladies. I must get going though... I'll see you both later..." He smiles at us, then leaves. 

What. Is. Happening. To. Me? 


Hey guys! Ummm, how do you like it? I know it's short, but they chapters will get longer one I'm into it... I hope this gets wondeful reads and junk. Feel free to give me suggestions!!! I love them!!! Give me feed back and all that good stuff.(: 

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