We see Izumi walking around cave covered in ice with her Pokemon Glaceon. They did a few attacks Then regice show up the Izumi said regirock you are up
RegiRock said regice are you ready to join her team
RegIce said what in it for me ice said
Izumi said my body and regice said why then regirock came in with a egg
And regice said regirock how are you able to get an egg and regirock said it came from Izumi and regice saw Izumi with 9 Pokemon eggs?
Regice said how am I supposed to fuck you izumi and Izumi said like this Izumi got completely naked and regice went to her human form
Then regice got naked and Izumi said put your poke egg in me and then Izumi spread her legs and said fuck me regice?
Regice was fucking Izumi as regirock said can I fuck Izumi as well?
And Izumi said as long as both Regis creampie me in the hot spring?
As both Regis continue to fuck Izumi pussy Izumi was in a bliss state then regice said I would love to join your team Izumi