Brett Preferences 1-5

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1. how you met:
I look at Mason with raised eyebrows as Liam storms off to where the Devenford Prep lacrosse players are coming out of the bus.
Liam yells and comes face to face with a tall, attractive boy.
"I just wanted to say, have a good game"
He then sticks his and out for the boy, Brett to shake and Brett laughs.
"Thats cute Liam! Is that what they told you on therapy? Apologize and everything will be fine? You demolished coaches car"
"I paid for it"
Liam says with gritted teeth and Brett looks at me before flashing his eyes back to Liam.
"Yeah your gonna pay for it. We are going to break you in half out there, and it will be all your fault"
I notice Liam's hands are dripping with blood and I rest my hand on his arm and he looks at me before I step in.
"You think your so cool right? Picking on Liam for something he can't control well you..."
I pause and stand on tiptoes so I'm almost the same height as Brett, which probably makes me look less fierce then I am.
"Can stick your petty insults up your butt hole and rotate!"
I feel my claws come out and I curl my hands into fists.

Stiles says and steps in as Scott pulls Liam and I away. We are thrown under the showers and we both start to change. See, Liam and I are family, blood family and we are both Scott's betas, we were bit at the same time, I would of died without it.

After Liam has told his story they look at me.
"I'm an I.E.D as well, and I'm definitely playing tonight, to help Liam and show that Brett guy no one can mess with us"
Scott says and pauses.
"But you guys have to be careful"
"Yeah whats the worst that can happen?"

I'm pushed to the ground with Liam as Brett charges at us and knocks us flat. I go flying and land flat on my back. I get up and take my helmet off. Blood pounds in my ears and I charge at Brett at the same time Liam does. Scott grabs us both but I get out of his grip and grab my helmet.
"Your an asshole"
I say simply and I put the helmet roughly on my head.
"Well Y/N your feisty aren't you?"
Brett says and smirks.
"How the hell do you know my name?"
"The guy who intervened told me your name"
"You asked?"
"Yeah I did. Maybe I like feisty girls"
He says before running off leaving me stunned for a few seconds before I join the game.

2. Your Song:
'People help the people' by Birdy because Brett breaks hearts and you were scared he'd do the same to you

3. You hate each other and you have to share a bed:
"This is a stupid idea, you think spending on night in the same room will make me hate him less?"
I ask and Brett scoffs while Scott sighs.
"Its just one night, now, don't be wimps"
Stiles adds and I groan.
"Fine but as soon as it's over I'm kicking your ass"
I growl at Brett who smirks at me.
"You think you'd get close?"
"Trust me I have accurate aim, with my fists and a bow"
I say and Scott grabs both of us by the collar before her releases us when we are in the room. I scan the area and my eyes land on a single bed.
"Oh hell..."
The door shutting and locking makes me stop and I face Brett before I glare at the door.
"The single bed was Stiles's idea, he ships you guys"
Scott yell before I hear him run down the stairs.
"Well Brett we are stuck in here for the night, now we are going to have to share this bed because I'm positive neither of us want to sleep on the ground"
Is all he says before I hop in the bed. I move over as much as I can and Brett slides in after me, his back pressed to mine. I shift for a few minutes and he sits up clearly flustered.
"What's the matter?!?"
"I'm not comfy with your back pressed against mine"
I say truthfully and he smirks.
"Would you much rather have my front pressed against your back?"
I roll my eyes and grin.
"You wish Talbot"
I lie down and find myself in a comfier position then what I was on before. Brett now turns around and wraps his arms around my waist before bringing me closer to him so I bump into his chest, causing our legs to become entwined.
"This better?"
He whispers and I nod.
"Goodnight Y/N"
He says and I smile.
"Night, Brett"

4. You two hate each other but secretly like each other:
I stomp away from Brett, furious he had embarrassed me in front of all my friends. He had thought it would be fit to talk about the time I fell over in public on a school trip in the 7th grade.
"Oi Y/N wait up!"
Brett yells and I break into a run. It hurts that Brett hates me so much, I hate him as well but that's because he always teases me and constantly does things to get a rise out of me.

He reaches me and his fingers wrap around my wrist causing me to stop.
"Let me go!"
I yell and he looks at me, saying nothing.
"Why do you hate me Talbot? What did I do to you? Was it the way I acted when we first met? Just tell me!"
I let everything out and after I'm done he's looking at me with an unreadable emotion laced in his eyes.
"You did nothing"
"Really? I must of done something!"
"Alright you did! You made me go weak at the knees when I first saw you! You made me rethink my future, hoping you'd be in it and lastly, You made me fall for you Y/F/N and I hate you because I know a girl like you wouldn't like a guy like me! If you did, you'd be stupid"
I take all this newly said information in before I mumble four words which makes Bret snap his dad back up.
"Well call me stupid"
He grins at me and I offer a shy smile
"So you like me then?"
He asks to break the silence.
"Obviously Talbot"
I say rolling my eyes before he pulls me in for a hug.

5. What you are:
Scott's Beta, an I.E.D werewolf

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