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There had always been tension between the Scots and the English. When the Medieval period came around, the wars only increased in frequency as men had developed new ways to kill each other not before seen on the earth. Scotland, however, was situated in the north of the British mainland. The southern English were not used to the terrain and found it difficult to fight the Scots in their homeland. Scotland was on the defensive as waves of English invaders assailed the north with as much vigor as they could muster. Eager to prove their ancient skill in battle, Malcolm, King of Scots, defended his country with a zeal equal to his assailants. A lengthy war with Scotland drained English reserves, reserves meant to be the front line in the fight against their southern enemy, the French. Unwilling to fight a war on two fronts, the English King Godwine desired a moment's peace in the north, a peace long enough to let his men rest and focus on the bigger foe to the south. For this reason, King Godwine called upon an ally of his to broker a peace with the Scots: his daughter, Princess Christelle.

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