Cherry Bomb- Part 3

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Cherry Bomb-

Part 3

 Neither of the girls had been so upset in a long time. They where scared, hurt, and humillated. Kylee was jealous because Krissy is dating Danny now. Kylee knows that she needs to get over him, and she almost has. But that doesnt stop her from being upset about a total bitch dating him just to get under her skin. And he promised he would never date Krissy after he found out what happened to Kylee because of her. That promise means nothing now. 

 Payton is depressed because the guy she loves with all her heart is dating the girl who ruined her life in so many ways. That, plus the terrible things that where said to her in the bathroom, really hurt her. She is trying to stay strong though, but it hurts so  much. Kylee is trying to do the same, and both the girls are just happy that they have each other to lean on in a time like this. 

"Why would he do this He said we could get back together whenever I wanted. And I told him I wanted to really soon. But he just goes and fucking dates that slut.." Payton began crying when her and Kylee where laying in Paytons bed that night. 

"Thats it, Im calling that asshole" Kylee grumbled. 

"Speaker pllease" payton requested. 

Kylee held down the button and put her phone on speaker so Payton could hear too. After the 2nd ring Cameron answered. 

"Hey Kylee" he greeted her. 

"Dont 'Hey Kylee' me, I know what you did" She said. 


"Dont play dumb. You led Payton on, you told her you love her. But then you go and date the girl who ruined our lives. How could you? And why would you still date her after what happened today?" Kylee asked angrily in to the phone. 

"What the hell are you talking about? And what happened today?" Cameron sounded worried. 

"You didnt hear from your little slut? Ali and Krissy beat the shit out of me and Payton today".

"WHAT?!?! Are you ok?" He asked quickly. 

"Sort of. I have a massive lump on my head and scratches all over my arms and Payton has cuts all over her arms and bruises. But thats beside the point. How could you do this?" Kylee asked once again. 

"I seriously dont know what your talking about. I hate that bitch and you know that. I would rather die than date anyone that isnt Payton, I love her" Cameron said truthfully, 

"But.. Ali said Krissy asked you out after she did, and that you said yes".

"Its not true. You know how much they love to ruin your lives. They are liars. I would never do that. Are you sure Payton is ok?" Cameron asked again. 

"Umm.. Sort of.." Kylee asnswered quietly when she saw the tears running down Paytons unusually pale face.

"you ok?" Kylee mouthed to Payton. 

Payton shook her head and out a pillow over her face to cry in to. 

"Oh my god.. ugh.. Can I help in anyway?" Cameron asked Kylee, more worry in his tone. 

"I dont think so" Kylee said. 

They exchanged a few more words before hanging up. kylee wrapped her arms around payton and they both cried and cried until they couldnt cry anymore. 

"What are we going to do?" Kylee whimpered. 

"I have no idea. Lets skipnschool for a few days" Payton suggested. 

Kylee nodded and they went to the kitchen to make food for themselves. Kylee and Payton ate icevream and watched Napolean Dynamite until they started to feel a little bit better.

The next day they just layed in Paytons bed and talked four hours.

On the second day of them missing school, Payton had an idea.

"You want revenge, right?" Payton propped herself up on her elbow and looked at kylee who was still laying down.

"Hell yeah, of course I do" Kylee said.

"Then lets get it" Payton smiled evily.

"What do you mean? LIke, do what they did to us?" Kylee said, a little sonfused.

"No, I mean, piss them off as much as possible. They walk all over us because we are the sweet, nice, quiet ind of girls, right?" Payton was smiling bigger now.

"Yeah. We gotta change that. lets stop these bitches from walking all over us. We have to show them that they cant just fuck with us. We can be bad ass bitches if we want!!" Kylee said, laughing at the last part.

"Yeah. Lets not be the sweet little  girls anymore, we will make 'em regret everything" Payton jumped out of bed. 

"We'll be the awesome people we've always been too shy to be on the outside" Kylee got up as well. 

"First, in this process of turning in to amazingly awesome rebel bitches, lets go to the mall!" Payton said. 

They got all the money they saved up, and walked to the public bus stop to go to the mall. Its only 4:30 so they are have all night to get new clothes and be who they've always wanted to be, and show Ali and Krissy who's boss.

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