Completely Incomplete (EX0-K Sehun)

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Sena... well, you can literally say that she is one of a kind. She lives under her glasses and in front of her books. Studies are her first priorities than friends, and maybe that's why she doesn't really have one at this moment. She'd prefer go alone than to be with someone who is just plainly fake around her, begging or rather commanding her to do their homework. Sena might be quite naive sometimes, but she is never, ever going to let her guards come down now.

Because if she does... she's afraid she might get hurt again.

She's afraid that people would carelessly stomp on her feelings and treat her bad again. Outcast her and tell her that she doesn't belong in this society. Truth to be told, she really doesn't belong. She doesn't own a car, she's not pretty, she doesn't smoke or drink like what teenagers these days do, heck she barely had money inside her wallet. Because of her parent's financial problem and lack of jobs, she had a hard time finding a good school for herself. Sena tried to pursuade her mother to let her enroll at a public school for high school and said that it would be enough for her. But her mom disagreed and convinced her to enter an academy for the elites.

Thanks to her pleasing high grades, she was able to get a full scholarship.

Here she is now, standing inside the four walls of the classroom which is slowly suffocating her, her breathing hitched and she thought her legs would give up on her sooner or later. The stares from the students didn't help either. For Sena, they were all intimidating, as if they will all eat her alive if she wrongly do something. Is this what rich kids are? So un-welcoming?

Sena bit her bottom lip hard, drawing blood for it already. Her heart pounded hard and fast inside her ribcage and she swore everyone could hear how loud it was beating. She had never felt this anxious during a first day of class.

The teacher beside Sena gave her a displeasing look. She had been standing for almost 5 minutes at the platform and did nothing but play with her fingers and bite her lips. "Ms. Park, I suggest you speak now or else time itself will give up on you." she said, and Sena straightened up. This is it. There's no backing out now.

She glanced at her new classmates first before slowly bowing her head. "Hi, my n-name is Park Sena. I hope to be friends with you all." She nervously stuttered and she mentally slapped herself, noting to never, ever, do that again. Half of the class welcomed her with a clap while the rest just apparently stared at her like she was come kind of an alien. Literally, she is.

"Welcome, Ms. Park. I hope you enjoy your stay here." she warmly smiled and pointed the empty chair beside a particular boy. "There's an empty seat beside Sehun, you can take that." Mrs. Lee suggested and Sena immediately got off the platform and walked to the her seat.

She could hear unpleasant groans from the girls and heard a 'Don't she dare touch Sehun' when she passed by a fellow classmate with an annoying red hair. Sena clearly doesn't know what kind of person Sehun is that she gets this kind of actions from her classmates... and she is not even a bit interested to know him.

Sena stopped at her chair and warily looked at the blonde boy who she assumed was Sehun. Well because there is no other chair on her right side. Sena inwardly laughed. Who would go blonde during high school? Isn't that a big no? Or is it allowed in this instituition?

"What are you waiting for? The time North Korea will finally bomb us? Sit." Sehun looked up with a playful smile tugging the corner of his lips. "I'm not going to bite you." He smiled at her....

.....and when he did, Sena's heart skipped a bit for the very first time in her in entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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