In Kaonol

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The young Iaconian Prince sat on a small couch within his prison unsure of what to do. A few weeks had passed since he had been captured by the Kaonol Emperor Megatron and locked up in this small but beautifully decorated room. Whilst he was listening to Sir Ironhide's war story Lord Megatron had somehow snuck into the palace grounds and climbed up to his bedroom's balcony. When Sir Ironhide saw him he was in shock and when Optimus spotted him he fainted. Before the Kaonol Emperor could grab the young Prince Sir Ironhide tried to fight back but Megatron easily defeated him and then whilst the rest of the Iaconia's enjoyed their little party he snuck away into the night with his prize.

He gloated to the young Prince later that he knew the snobby Iaconia's would throw a stupid party for their pathetic victory and that they would be too joyful to notice the Emperor himself sneaking through the shadows of their city. He even bribed a few Iaconian soldiers into getting the palace layout so he knew where to look and where to avoid. Optimus was still in shock to learn that he had been captured by the Emperor of Kaonol himself but once he overcame it he demanded to know why did Megatron come after him? He wasn't the heir to the throne and he wasn't a soldier he met in battle so why him? Megatron just sneered and answered him in a deep and threatening tone.

'The reason I took you away from the luxury of your home my dear little Prince is because your father took away the one thing that I desired most in all my Kingdom! I promised the good King that because of what he took from me I would take what he valued most in this accursed world and lock it away so that he may never see it again...and from what I learnt YOU my dear little Prince are his most favourite child!'

Optimus knew that this was true but he didn't go round bragging about it to his siblings. However what really concerned him right now was that when his father discovered what had happened it would only fuel his desire to continue fighting this terrible war...fueled on hatred and vengeance. At this rate the war would continue for an eternity.

'Don't you see what you have done! When my father finds out he'll want to destroy your kingdom even more! Because of what you've done the bloodshed will never stop and peace will never come between our two kingdoms!'

Lord Megatron scoffed at the young mech's plea.

'Then let him come...I'll be waiting with a razor sharp blade or two to slice off his head and place it on a pike for all to see!'

That threat made poor Optimus so upset that he almost began to cry. Megatron just sneered at him and left him alone in his prison. At first the young Prince could only dread what the Tryant of Kaonol was going to do to him. He had heard the stories about how he tortured his victims and made them beg for death. However Megatron didn't do any of this things. Instead he would pop in every now and then and try and force him to talk with him. Optimus would just look away and wait for him to leave. When Megatron did leave he would just sneer at Optimus reminding him that there was no way out of his palace. He would send a guard every evening to ask if he would like to attend dinner with the Emperor and every time Optimus refused. He didn't want to eat his meals in front of the monster who took him from his home. When he said no the guard would disappear and later return with a small tray of food. Megatron clearly did not want him to starve. The young Prince barely touched it since the worry of what his family was going through with him gone. Bumblebee and Blurr were probably crying along with Arcee who would of course try her best to keep her younger brothers happy. Rodmius would throw a fit and try to save him only to be held back by the guards. Sentinel was probably going on that he'll be fine but would secretly worry about him. Ultra Magnus...his father...was probably turning all his bitter sadness into pure hatred for Emperor Megatron and probably planning a full scale attack.

He sighed miserably as these thoughts wandered around in his head. Lord Megatron had kidnapped him because his father had executed his most beloved Commander and now because of what the Tyrant had done his father would just find another way to get revenge. It was going to be a never ending battle of vengeance with the war on top of it. At this rate the two Kingdoms would destroy each other over vengeance. He sighed and climbed off the couch to walk over to the barred windows. looking out the stained glass he could see the vast city of Kaonol and it's people walk about trying to get by. He was once told that the Kaonol's wanted nothing but to continue the war but he overheard the guards outside his room talk about their own families. Apparently many of Kaonol's citizen's wished the war would end just as the Iaconian's but dare not beg to their ruler. Some of the soldier's wanted to go back to farming or work normal jobs but until the war ended they were doomed to die as soldiers.

That wasn't the only thing he had heard through the thin door. Apparently Lord Megatron also grew tired of the war but was too stubborn and angry with King Ultra Magnus to sign a truce. Megatron loved fighting and when he was angry he vented it all out by going to battle. Kaonol's were violent by nature which explained why they had a fight-to-the-death arena in the center of the city. Megatron would go and watch the fights and even participate if he felt like it but lately he had been too busy to attend even a grudge match. Also he had yet to find a bride. According to Kaonol customs the Emperor's bride must be untouched and able to bear children. So far Megatron hadn't found one that met the Kaonol standards nor his own. Kaonol was just full of problems just like Iaconia.

Optimus left the view from the window to ponder what to do. What could he do? He couldn't escape and even if he could he had no idea how to get out the palace and how to navigate out of the foreign city. Plus those guards would just hunt him down and drag him back. But now that he thought about it...should he escape? He was a "guest" of the Emperor of Kaonol who practically held the war in his hands. If he could somehow convince the Tyrant to meet with his father and speak with him...then maybe...just maybe...they would agree to end the war! He had to somehow convince Megatron to meet with his father and agree to a truce. This was the chance of a lifetime and he had to take advantage of it. He had to convince Megatron to listen to him. Even if that meant dining with him.

Knowing what he must do he mentally prepared himself as evening came. Lord Megatron was a battle hardend mech who liked to hold a grudge so he had to be extra careful what he said around him. As eveing came the guard once again entered his room to ask what he asked every time he came.

'Would his highness be joining Lord Megatron this evening?' he asked in a boring tone.

He was expecting the answer to be no but to his surprise Optimus answered,

'Yes I will.'

The guard looked up with a surprised look on his face.

'B-beg your pardon?'

'I said I will attend a meal with Lord Megatron,' repeated Optimus using his strong and strict toned voice that even made Sentinel tremble at the sound.

The guard quickly nodded and ran off. Moments later he returned and ushered Optimus to follow him.

'Don't try to run...the palace is heavily guarded so there's no escape!'

Optimus said nothing but followed the guard through the corridors of the Kaonol palace. This was the first time he had been out of his room and he had to admit even though the architecture look a little dark and almost Gothic it was still charming to look at. Purple drapes hung from the ceiling and almost every wall he passed was decorated with beautifully crafted weapons. He was curious about the history of these tools of war but he had to put all that aside for the main goal of stopping this war his land was suffering from. When they finally arrived in the dining hall Optimus was a little surprised to find it empty. There was a table in the center of the room with two chairs and two places set ready for the meal that was to come. The tableware was made up of fine silver and even the goblets were encrusted with beautiful jewels. There was a roaring fire at the far end of the room to keep the room well heated and above it's mantle was the crest of the Kaonol kingdom.

Before he could even ask where Megatron was the guard said, 'Wait here,' and left. Optimus looked around the room once more to find that he was all alone and sighed. Could he really do this? Convince the Tyrant of Kaonol to end the war that had been going on for centuries? Clenching his fists he knew that no matter what...whatever the cost...he had to stop the war. He no longer wanted to live in fear that his father or brother would die out in the battlefield...he no longer wanted to hear the cries of wives, sons and daughters. He wanted a world where their kingdoms lived in peace. To have that he was willing to sacrifice anything.

As tried to relax and build up the courage to face the Tyrant he suddenly felt a pair of heavy hands rest on his frail shoulders. His Spark almost stopped pulsing from the surprise and he began to tremble when he heard a deep voice speaking from behind him.

'So the little Prince has finally decided to join me for dinner. Did you grow tired of being up there all alone?'

Optimus looked up to see Lord Megatron looking at down at him with his amused red optics. The young Prince gently forced his way out of Megatron's grip and stepped back to give him and the Tyrant some space. He was as tall as ever and already Optimus was loosing the courage to speak with him. No. No he had to be brave...for his people...for his father...he had to be brave.

'I only came becuase I wished to speak with you!' he said, making sure he didn't sound like a terrified infant as he spoke.

The Kaonol Emperor just smirked and offered Optimus a seat at the table.

'Oh there'll be plenty time for talking my dear little Prince...but for now we eat.'

The young Prince decided to obey and took a seat at the table. Megatron sat opposite him and smirked as Optimus tried to act calm and composed. A few moments later a couple of servants entered and placed delicious looking food on the table. The young Prince had to admit that it all look wonderful and made his mouth water. He was used to eating small meals back home with his family. Since he had so many siblings he would either eat alone in his room or attend dinner with his father and a handful of his brothers. After their goblets were filled with fine Energon wine the two servants left leaving the young Prince and the Tyrant alone once again.

Megatron just smirked and took a gulp from his goblet. Optimus just sat there feeling nervous once again. He picked up a fork and began to slowly eat his Petro-Boar steak. It seemed to amused the Kaonol Emperor that the young Prince was eating like a nervous little mech in front of him. Poor Optimus just felt nervous every time he looked up to see those blood red optics looking at him. For a while nothing was said between them. The young Prince clenched his fists once again. He had to do this. For the sake of their Kingdoms. Taking in a deep breath he looked up and spoke.

'Lord Megatron I wish to talk to you about-...'

'About meeting with your father and negotiate about ending the war?'

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