The Final Fight {part||}

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Suddenly From the front, Minho and Yoongi point their guns at Mr. Lee. Then his loyal haggard bodyguard from behind points his gun at Mister Lee while Y/N's special forces team also points their advanced weapons at Mister Lee's people... Mr. Lee is shocked to see that all his people were no longer under his control.

Minho: I warned you before, keep an eye on your people... And seeing whom  reminds you of my father, let me tell you that she is his daughter and my sister...

Mr Lee was so shocked that he even can't alter a word.... And he lowers his gun which was pointed at Y/N, Then Y/N taps the shoulder of Minho who was standing in front of her,and Minho lowers his gun and moves away a little. Then Y/N stands in front of Mister Lee and says..

Y/N: What happened old man, I surprised you, didn't I?
Mr Lee: (hand on heart, afraid and trembling) Are you that Choi's daughter?? Impossible, So I have been keeping the snake in my sleeve for so long...
Y/N: That is why it is said that lustful intellect leads to nothingness...
Mr Lee: (angrily holding y/n's collar, And everyone is ready to shoot Mr. Lee But at a signal from Y/N, everyone lowered their guns.) you will regret, My son will definitely come to finish you off... (Y/N Smirk, and releases her collar from Mr. Lee's hand)
Y/N: umm.. your son is not coming here anymore.. I have put a full stop to his life and his destiny...
Mr Lee: ( He falls down, puts his hand on his heart and starts breathing heavily. Y/N bends down to Mr Lee..) It's impossible, you're lying..

Y/N: tch...tch..tch.... won't you watch your son's exclusive news interview? Hey bring Tablet here..!!!! (Then someone brings a Tablet) See, here....

30 minutes ago

Sung Dong Il takes Jongsuk to the media, where reporters were already waiting for them.

Sung Dong Il: Thank you all for coming here in such a short time. Let me get to the point without wasting any time, as you see this man in an exclusive news interview a few weeks ago.Whom you know as Chief Director of KCIA's Mr. Lee Jongsuk, but he is not a Chief Director Rather, he is the son of Lee Hankyu, a person famous for spreading terror and fear throughout South Korea and the underworld . Smuggling of the fort or illegal arms dealing, human trafficking to doctor robbery and murder are all crimes. On the orders of the most wanted criminal Lee HanKyu, he ordered his son to  fraudulently came to KCIA's as chief director. But our capable secret intelligence team, which is appointed by the high authority, has raided every corner of these criminal's hideout and warehouses. They have also saved the lives of kidnapped children and women.

Reporter 1: So where is Mr Lee Hankyu now, And  when are you arresting him???
Reporter 2: What will happen to Mr. Lee Jongsuk now, what charges will be imposed on him?
Song Dong Il: Currently, the SWAT team will take Lee Jongsuk to our special prison, and as for Lee Hankyu, he has been murdered.

Present time

Then Y/N gives the Tablet to Mandy, Mr Lee saying angrily...

Mr Lee: Impossible... You Bitch... What did you do? Do you even know how much I had to sacrifice to build this empire? i won't leave you alive..
Y/N: (Smirk) Try it old man!!

Mr. Lee stands up with his gun, ready to kill Y/N, but hit by Yoongi, the gun falls from Mr. Lee's hands, And then Mr. Lee falls down due to Minho's powerful kick...

Yoongi :Forget about killing, you can't even touch her while we are there...
Minho: Try To kill her you have to face us... Yoongi stay with Y/N, I will kill this bastard with my own hands.

Then Mr. Lee and Minho's fight starts, Whereas Mr. Lee's people are forced to their knees, and are chained up.. On the other hand, the remaining BTS members and The Red Warriors go to their respective teams.

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