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(Boy and girl hanging out in grass of a front yard)
Girl: hey can uh can I talk to you about something?
Boy: sure what is it.
Girl: I ... I uh I ... I've been feeling like not okay? Ya know.
Boy: what do you mean?
Girl: I've been feeling anxious a lot I've been having panic attacks out of know where. I've been having horrid nightmares v-very ... Painfully vivid. (starts to speed up and gets louder) my thoughts going through my mind quick very quick .. I can barley keep up I-I cry uncontrollably my thoughts racing up and down side to side neVER CEASING TO STOP OR LEAVE ME ALONE THE MOVE CONSTANTLY THE ONLY TIME I GET A BREAK IS WHEN IM ALSEEP AND EVEN THEN THE DON'T STOP THE JUST MERRLY SLOW DOWN I ... (More calmly and quietly) I *sigh looks down* like clock work they speed back up everyday. I think I'm going insane.. I-I don't understand. And these thoughts they give me nightmares I wake up disoriented and even more confused than the day before I ... I just want to be free from this trap my mind is. It feels as though that won't happen I feel like .. I feel like I'm drowning .. Ya know in my thoughts not able to breath trying to get to the surface and everyone around me literally everyone is able to breath while I'm alone to suffer in insane silence and no one knows it's happening. Is that normal I don't feel that it is. What do you think? *look up and in the direction of boy freak out that he's gone and look down noticing a straight jacket and back up at padded walls* (screen goes black and cuts and ends)

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