Thank You Note to My Readers

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My dear ink drinkers,

I can't begin to express how grateful I am for each and every one of you. From the moment I started writing this story, I dreamed of creating something special, something that would resonate and connect with readers. The journey to bring this book to life was filled with excitement, challenges, and countless hours of dedication. Knowing that you've embraced it with open hearts means more to me than words can fully convey.

Your support, love, and encouragement have made every late night and every revision worth it. Seeing your excitement for Manik, Nandini, and the world I tried to create for them has been a gift beyond measure. Each message, each review, and each comment has shown me that my story found its way to the right people-people who genuinely care and connect with these characters. I am deeply touched by how you've embraced their ups and downs, their love, friendships, and everything in between. You've made this book feel so much more alive and real.

Thank you for believing in my story, for taking the time to read, for sharing your thoughts, and for encouraging me along the way. I feel incredibly blessed to have such supportive readers who not only read but genuinely care. It's a joy and a privilege to share this journey with you, and I can't wait to keep bringing you more stories to enjoy.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for every ounce of love you've shown me and this book. This journey has only been as special as it is because of each one of you, and I will forever be grateful for that.

Last but not the least thanks to I-believe-in-destiny for asking this plot in the book called PLOTS.....who want...? By _khusiyaan_

With all my gratitude and love,
Kiara ❤️

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