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Richard T. Schaefer's ebook Racial and Ethnic Groups highlights the Jewish struggle to overcome centuries of hatred through religious practices like Huankukkah (Schaefer, 2019). In the online article, "What Is Hanukkah?" Hanukkah, "also known as Chanukah, is an eight-day Jewish festival of lights celebrated with menorah lighting, special prayers, and fried foods. It commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after its desecration by the Seleucid Empire"(, n.d.).

Elizabeth Yuk's article, "8 Hanukkah Traditions and Their Origins" discusses the central Hanukkah tradition of nightly menorah lighting, which involves adding a candle to the menorah until all eight are lit on the final night. Hanukkah traditions range from lighting a menorah to giving out gelt and eating cheese. However, these traditions have evolved over time, with Jews seeking to exalt their symbols during the holiday. Other staples include giving out gelt and singing Hanukkah songs. Moreover, "Hanukkah holds significant importance as it celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Seleucid Empire and the rededication of the Holy Temple. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, freedom over oppression, and the preservation of Jewish culture and religion" Richard T. Schaefer's ebook Racial and Ethnic Groups highlights the divide among Jews regarding their faith practices, with some acknowledging their Jewishness and potential consequences. Despite anti-Semitism in religious practices, it is often linked to the stereotype that all Jews share the responsibility of Jewish elders (304-06, 318-19, 2019,).

Indeed, Hanukkah is still widely practiced today. It is one of the most beloved and joyous holidays in the Jewish calendar, celebrated by Jewish communities around the world with menorah lighting, festive meals, and communal gatherings" (, 2023, November 21.;, 2023, November 30). Richard T. Schaefer's ebook Racial and Ethnic Groups (15th edt.) highlights that while a significant portion of adult Jewish Americans do not participate in religious services, Jewish beliefs and the history of Hanukkah remain significant to the Jewish people today (320). 

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