The truth

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As the boat traveled by it self to where we needed to go I looked in the void.

"The void is happy I said"

"How would you know?" Jeriah said

"Ianite taught me"

Its so advanced that I can barley understand is"

"how would Ianite have told you then" Jeriah said

"Because me and Ianite have something that just.... a connection"

"I understand I too have experienced it" He said a great sadness in his eyes

"I just hope we can see them again. Jeriah said

Don't Worry" I say as I pat him on the back

We are at what looks too be a Island. we follow the path that takes to a forest and around an arena

"I know you don't like that i follow Mianite" Jeriah said as we walked up a hill

I didn't reply.

"Mianite told me that Gods can't hear inter dimension-ally and I trust you so i'm going to tell you the truth"

I stop walking

"The truth is... I follow Dianite our world Dianite... I saw Mianite Kill my best friend and his family cause he refused to follow him" he says this with great pain

I rub his back awkwardly I was really bad at these things

"So my wife and I pretended to follow Mianite my two kids where baby's at the time so they saw no different" Jeriah says

"How come Mianite didn't know?"

"Cause when you do something for love you do it right, I became his right hand man accidentally. He says

I laugh at this

"How did you accidentally become his right hand man"

"I have no idea" he chuckles

He was acting like a completely different person.

We got to the gates and Ianite appears in front of me so beautiful. So beautiful.

"How are you guys here she asks you jumped in the void " she asks eyes slightly squinting at us

I can't hold my emotions anymore I kiss her .

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