In Her Heat - Chapter Twenty Five

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I woke up with a gasp, my heart pounding. Inhaling deeply, I tried to calm myself down. My hair lay heavily across my back, shoulders and collarbones. Cool air brushed against my damp, nude skin, but did nothing to ease the heat that consumed my heat.

Intense. Overwhelming. All-consuming. Heat.

There was no other way to describe it. I could barely breathe though the palpable heat that cloaked itself around my body and plastered itself to my skin. It dominated my thoughts, ruled my actions.
I struggled to think through the thick haze of sexual need. Unfortunately, clearing the fog only brought clarity to what I really needed. Touch.

And I needed it badly.

My clit throbbed erratically in time with my pounded heart. I felt like my climax was a heartbeat away but still elusive, evasive. My nipples were so hard they had taken on a slightly painful edge.

After lying there for a good five minutes, I decided the never ending arousal was, well never ending. I might as well get on with my day. I drew in a shaky breath and swiped a hair through my hair to push it off my face. As I made to sit up, my thighs, slick with my arousal brushed together and inflamed my skin. I groaned in tired arousal.

Cade entered at the noise I’d made. His eyes roamed over my body hungrily. His gaze was almost a physical touch that stroked and stoked my arousal. A fine shudder went through me, and wet heat spilled from between my legs, further coating my thighs. Cade’s jaw muscles worked furiously as his nostrils flared, taking in the scent that filled the room.

 It was at that moment that my nudity finally registered. But I didn’t care; I didn’t have the energy to care. I was tired and horny and most likely on the way to being extremely grumpy.

“Why the hell am I so damned tired?” I grouched. My arms shook as I tried to lift myself off the bed and onto the floor. Why the hell was I also so weak?

Cade was at my side in, literally, a flash. “Well I’m just guessing here, but it didn’t seem like you slept very well.” He gently eased me back down onto the bed.

“I went to sleep at like nine o’clock.”

Cade shrugged. “You were restless. You were moaning all night, talking…”

My ears perked up. “Talking?” I inquired, hesitantly. I was almost afraid to find out what I’d been saying.

“Well actually, it was more like begging.”

I blushed furiously. “Oh God,”

“Yeah, that’s it,” he said with a mischievous smile.

“Oh shut up!” I said, smiling. We sat there in easy silence. After a while I made to get out of bed again.

“Nope. You’re not leaving this bed. Shaman’s orders.”

“But the daycare,”

“Will survive without you. You’ve been there for only one day.”

I puffed out a breath, upset. I was about to argue when a tidal wave of arousal smacked me. My breath rushed out of me on a hard exhale and I doubled over in bed. My vision went black for a minute and clenched shut my eyes. When I opened them the heat was more intense than before.

My thoughts all disappeared in the sweltering arousal.

Well, all but one, and even that was made up of broken words: Need. Sex. Now.

Two hours later, I was sweating profusely, struggling to breathe. The arousal had a pleasure-pain tone to it. Pleasure so intense it hurt. The heat had grabbed hold of me with a vicelike grip and was not letting go. I struggled not to touch myself, but I was quickly losing that battle. I’d already tried rubbing my skin against the sheets but that did nothing to help - it made it worse.

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