In Her Heat - Chapter Seven

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Sorry this one took so long to upload - super busy. Enjoy !


I slept through most of the jet ride. The events of the past few days had finally knocked me out. I woke up to Ashton, who'd sat beside me, shaking my shoulder, telling me we were about to land. I refastened my seatbelt and looked out the window.

The scenery was beautiful. It reminded me of a postcard I'd seen of Ireland - it was almost too perfect to seem real. But it was. Big, white, fluffy clouds were framed by a beautiful blue that stole your breath. Underneath the sky, lush green grass that had obviously never seen a drought lay, just waiting for a picnic scene. Purple wildflowers dotted the grass and the occasional huge tree stood, offering shade from the bright sun.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ashton said in a low murmur. Again, I managed to hear him perfectly. "The reserve is just as beautiful...but in a more wild way."

I frowned. "Huh?"

He smiled and shook his head. "You'll understand when you see it."

We landed smoothly and the pilot thanked us for flying. I was glad to be back on solid ground. I didn't mind flying, but my??> head was always filled with 'what if' thoughts. I grabbed my purse and slipped back on my shoes.

"So, how do we get to the reserve?" I asked. I looked at Ashton first, then Reese who was sitting across from us.

Reese spoke. "Damon, our alpha said he would send someone to meet us here and drive us over in a protected car."

"Protected car?" I asked. Ashton stood and began making his way down the aisle to the exit. I went after him and Reese followed behind me.

"Yeah. You know, bullet proof, tinted windows..."

I didn't hear the rest of his sentence. As I stepped out of the plane, my eyes landed on the most dangerously gorgeous man I had ever seen in my life. My breath caught as he made eye contact with me, his stormy gray-blue eyes locking onto mine. The intensity in his eyes thrilled me. In a second, my panties were damp, my nipples peaked and straining against the material of my bra. His nostrils flared and his jaw flexed. I almost moaned out loud at the sexiness of that jumping muscle. Who was this guy ?

"Cade!" My thoughts were broken by Ashton's call. He walked down the steps, his movements smooth and fluid. I followed him my eyes still on the man. Ashton walked down the runway right up to Mr. Gorgeous. "Cade, man, it's been too long."

A ghost of a smile flickered over Cade's full lips as he nodded. "I know. Four years now?" His voice was deep and sexy. I could only imagine it tinged with want and need, whispering explicit demands to me. I shuddered.

"Five," Reese corrected. Cade looked at Reese acknowledging him with a nod and a slight smile.

For a moment we stood there. Cade looking between Reese and Ashton, an unspoken conversation taking place. I took the chance to study Cade.

His face was intensely beautiful. He had wide, gray blue eyes that stole my breath every time he glanced at me. Like me, he had dark black hair, which was a gorgeous contrast to his eyes. His eyebrows were thick lines over his eyes, now bunched as his full lips frowned. I imagined those lips on my skin, tasting, taking. And I knew he would take. He would not be the kind of lover to ask. He would command, dominate and conquer. I shifted as my arousal grew uncomfortable. Cade looked to me with this movement and something in his eyes flared. I couldn't help the small shiver that slid through my body and straight to my aching sex. Cade continued to watch me, his cheekbones becoming ruddy as I helplessly grew more aroused under his perusal. His cheekbones were high, regal slashes, at odds with his nose with was mostly straight with a crooked bump on it. His nostrils flared as a fresh gush of wetness soaked my panties. I was dripping and all he'd done was look at me. The man was definitely dangerous.

His faded jeans clung intimately to his butt and thighs as though they loved being there. His shirt was white and linen, untucked. I normally would have found the look sloppy but on his it was sexy.

"Cade?" Reese asked.

Cade's gaze cut from me to the blonde standing beside me, waiting expectantly. Cade nodded. "They're ready." Who's ready? I thought. And more importantly, ready for what?

Ashton nodded. "Good."

"So this is her." Cade stated, his eyes returning to mine.

"This is her," Reese agreed.

"Yep, this is her and her is getting pissed off standing here while you have silent conversations about her like she's not even here. Oh, and her has a name, not that the Neanderthals standing over her care."

Cade looked at Reese then Ashton. With a snort he said, "I wish her mate lots of luck." My temper flared. He was gorgeous, but I didn't take comments like that from anyone.

"Excuse me?" I asked. I pushed Ashton aside so I was standing directly in front of Cade, mere inches from his body. I wasn't short but Cade had to stand at at least 6"1 so he looked down at me and smiled indulgently, like I was a five year old insisting Santa Claus existed. His heat emanated from his body, warming me from about five inches of space.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What is exactly is that stupid little comment supposed to mean?"

"You know, I thought my words were pretty clear. Or are you a bit slow?"

Heat flared inside of me as he pushed his luck.

"Well let me make my words crystal clear. Not only are you extremely stupid for insulting a woman like that, but you're also incredibly arrogant, thinking you can say something like that with me standing right here. Call me slow again and I'll shove your ass down your throat. Oh, sorry, would that be your tail instead?"

His eyes flashed and darkened warningly. "Don't ever call me stupid again."

I met his gaze head on. "Don't ever call me slow again. Or you will walk away with your tail between your legs."

We stood there, our glares warring, tension rising. But in that tension was a sexual awareness. I hadn't missed his cock bulging behind his jeans and by the way he kept flaring his nostrils, he hadn't missed the scent of my arousal.

He chuckled, a low, deep sound.

"You'd have to catch me first."

The challenge in his words was clear. It probably wouldn't be smart to take up that challenge, but I liked to do what I probably shouldn't.

And man, did I love a challenge.

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