Mt. Silver Sighting

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Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, the Pokémon Adventures/Special manga, or Pink

"Mt. Silver! That's perfect Red!" Yellow exclaimed, grabbing his hands in her own. Then a blush crept up her face and she quickly let go.

"Well it sounds good, but how're we going to get away now? We need a distraction." Green stated, and they all glanced around. Their talking had cost them what little time remained, and now every inch of street surrounding the dex-holders was covered in a seething mass of fans.

"He's right." Confirmed Silver, "There's no way we can fly out of here like this. They're up on the higher buildings. They'd jump us if we took off now. Someone's got to stay behind as a diversion and let everyone else get away." The others stared at him. The thought of leaving one of their group behind hadn't even crossed their minds.

"We can't do that!" Sapphire cried out, "After we waited for Red? What'd be th' point?" The rest nodded at her words.

"Well what're we supposed to do?" Silver retorted, clenching his fists as he defended his statement. Crystal put a calming hand on his shoulder. The beast that was the group of fans crept closer. The dex-holders took a few steps backwards until they were mashed against each other, their backs against the building that they had just jumped off of.

"Heh. Looks like you're in a spot of trouble." A mysterious voice said, and the dex-holders whipped their heads around, trying to catch a glimpse of the speaker.

"I knew you couldn't survive without us!" A second voice sounded. The door of the building at their backs flew open, almost slamming into Emerald in the process, and four figures emerged, striking heroic poses. It was Jose, Jaden, Jay, Jack (Who had gotten lost a while back and had just found everybody), and Julian. The dex-holders whose hopes had momentarily risen, fell once more.

"Oh. It's you." Said Ruby, with a deep sigh, "I thought it was somebody coming to save us."

"Oh man, but that's where you've gone wrong brotha!" Said Jose, clapping Ruby on the back. Ruby winced at his touch and carefully grabbed Jose's grimy hand between two fingers and removed it from his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Red looked up, a glimmer of hope burning in his eyes once more.

"You always thought we were useless baggage, didn't you Red?" Jaden ran his hand through his hair, "But you kept on saving us, even though you hated us." Green muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like;

"If it was me I'd have ditched you as soon as we ran into something deadly." Julian took a step away from him.

"Wait... You can't mean?" Red whispered, a look of horror creeping up his face.

"We'll be the diversion!" Jay hollered.

"MAH BROS!" Red yelled, and threw himself sobbing onto Jaden and Jose, whose eyes, in turn, brimmed with tears.

"D-don't worry man... If w-we're truly bros... Then we will always find one another again!" Jose bawled.

"Now, we have to go man." Jaden solemnly stated, disentangling himself and from the group hug, tears still trickling down his face as he tried not to sniffle.

The five boys heroically stood in front of the dex-holders, backs to them. As if by some pre-determined signal, they jabbed their thumbs behind them, at the white lettering plastered across their hoodies that spelled out 'Blueboy,' and threw themselves into the fray with wild screams.

"I-I'll never forget you guys!" Red managed, and Yellow gently pulled him away from them.

"Come on Red, we can't let their sacrifice be in vain." Yellow murmured, and Red nodded reluctantly. The ten pokédex holders released their flying pokémon, and took off, more than a few of them wiping tears from the corners of their eyes at the brave sacrifice the Blueboys had made.

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