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(Y/N) = Your Name
(B/N) = Brother's Name
(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/C) = Hair Colour



That one word was stuck in my head as I looked out at the vast land of Wall Rose. I don't know why it was there but I had a feeling. It wasn't a good one either.

I can remember the day when we humans lost Wall Maria and Shignashina to them. It was an ordinary day, a day like any other. My brother and I were visiting my mother's sister's family -who lived in the Shiganshina district. Mother told us to deliver some of her homemade Apple Pie to them as she made two. We gave it to our aunt and she thanked us.

On the way back is when we heard it. The sound that changed humanity. Brother and I froze in our tracks. Slowly, we turned around. The sight wasn't great. On top of the wall lay a giant hand. Soon a Titans head rose over the wall. I let out a scream. After blinking a few times (and making sure that I was awake) I felt (B/N) tug on my arm. We made a mad dash back to Wall Maria. Falling debris landing on houses and the streets. As foolish as I was, I glanced behind and saw that the wall separating Shiganshina and the Outside had been broken. A breach.

My (H/L) (H/C) hair whipped my face as I turned around to continued to run. Run for my life. I sprinted ahead of (B/N) with one thought rushing through my mind. Don't get eaten. I made it through the gate with Brother behind me.

We rushed to our small village to warn the people. Starting at our house. Our mum was washing the dishes when we ran in, faces red from the running.

"Don't tell me you two raced to see who got back first?" She laughed.

I shook my head.

"Titans... Shiganshina..." (B/N) panted.

"Titans haven't gotten into the Walls before. I think you're imagining things." Mum ruffled our hair.

"Mum." I whined. "You've got to believe us!"

Suddenly, the door burst open with a member of the Garrison standing at the door.

"Titans have broken through Wall Maria. Get to the boats immediately." He ordered.

"Of course, thank you. (Y/N) your father is out in the garden tell him that we have to leave right now."

"Of course." I nodded and ran outside to find Dad. Once I found him I rushed up to him. "Dad we have to leave. Titans have invade Wall Maria."

I will never forget the look on his face on that fateful day. It was a mixture of shock and fear.

He gulped before he dragged me back inside to where mum and (B/N) was. "Are we ready? It shouldn't take that long if we run. I'd have to guess fifteen minutes at the most."

We all nodded and rushed off to the boats.

The journey to the boats was a blur. I cannot fully remember what happened. But what I do know is that the four of us made it safely to the boats and made our way to Wall Rose. Where in four years time I would be training to become a soldier.

I blinked a few times, as I came out of my flashback. I clenched my right fist in front of my face and my fingers clicked. I sighed and ran my hand through my (H/C) hair. I could hear Bertholdt, Reiner and Eren talking. Leaning backwards a bit I overheard a tiny bit of the conversation.

"I... Armoured Titan. He... Colossal Titan." Reiner said.

Gasping I stood up - making sure I didn't fall off the wall - and turned around. Reiner had admitted that he and Bert, my two best friends, where the Armoured and Colossal Titans. Mikasa was quick to react, like usual. She cut off Reiner's right hand and put a sword through his left arm. Mikasa had then cut Bertholdt's right wrist and neck. I was shaking. My left hand was over my mouth to stop me from letting out a screech. To stop me from telling Mikasa to leave them alone. To say that they must be joking. I looked into their pained eyes and saw that they weren't joking. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes.

Mikasa lunged at Bertholdt, sword in hand. She was going to kill him. Reiner then shoved her out of the way. Armin ran up and told Eren to run. Suddenly, Reiner and Bertholdt shifted into their Titans.

The Armoured Titan grabbed Eren and the Colossal Titan grabbed Ymir. The Armoured Titan then jumped off the Wall. Gasping I rushed over to where Armin was standing.

"Eren!" He yelled.

I heard two thumps coming from the ground. My guess was that Eren had shifted. I turned my attention away from where Reiner and Eren were and turned to the Colossal Titan. He had raised his fist and was going to smash the wall.

"Get away from the wall!" Hange yelled.

We all jumped off the wall and shot our 3DMG further down. Looking up we saw the Bertholdt had grabbed a soldier who didn't make it off the wall in time in his other hand he had Ymir. Before I had time to blink he threw both of them into his mouth and ate them.

"Men! Prepare for battle!" Hange yelled drawing her swords. "We're gonna bring the Colossal Titan down!"

We all used our 3DMG to climb the wall and we flew above the wall.

"He's the enemy of mankind! Charge all at once!" Hange ordered.

Everyone went to attack the Colossal Titan. I heard Hange say something about cutting the nape of the Titan's neck all at once. All of a sudden The Colossal Titan gave off really hot high pressured steam. We all drew back.

"(Y/N), Armin and Squad One, follow me! Our opponent will be the Armoured Titan." Hange shouted.

At her command Armin, Squad one and I followed after her. We didn't know what would happen but I knew one thing for certain. Bertholdt and Reiner were my best friends. But my best friends were traitors.

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