+._[Part1]Satanos Meet Rewrite, Rewrite meet Satanos[Part1]_.+

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Narrator's POV :

It was nighttime, well the red sky gets darker at night. LordX was making the EXEs introduce themselves to Satanos since he was a new EXE, most didn't want to, others wanted to and Rewrite was one of them. "Why Hello! I'm Rewrite!" Said Rewrite who's voice sounded smooth and playful. "Uh, Hello Rewrite." Said Satanos his voice sounding deep and demonic[and little bit glitchy] in a 'idk what to say' tone.

LordX's POV :

As I watched the EXEs Introduce themselves to Satanos, I was sure Satanos and Rewrite were gonna be Rivals due to Satanos being made Satan/the Devil, and Rewrite being made to be God, but I was only a little surprised when they were able to get along.... Well....Only a little. Satanos found Rewrite a little annoying, and Rewrite was just- you know.. Playful. Maybe I should do something to get them to get along[other then Rewrite being playful]. I was watching Satanos and Rewrite just stare at each other.

Narrator's POV : 

After Rewrite introduced themselves to Satanos, The next EXE to introduce themselves was Sonic.EYX which he didn't say anything all he did was stare at Satanos with his one eye, but Rewrite told Satanos who he was[Sonic.EYX]. It took a little while for the EXEs to introduce themselves but now all of them had already done it, tho Satanos was most interested in Rewrite as a friend..... For Now...

{||{Wow, idk if you guys like this, this isn't really my first time making a story, just my first making one on Wattpad. Also give me some ideas on what should happened next, since idk what to put next}||}

[∆] Sorry for the Chapter being short[∆]

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