What Eyes Actually Do

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Chapter 6

As I open my eyes a displeasing sight was the first thing I notice; I was inside a hospital room and laying in the hospital bed. I try to remember what happen last night but my mind was blank. As I made my attempt to stand up, i was quickly restrained due to the pain in my left arm. I try to touch it but it only made the pain worse.

Just then Elizabeth entered the room carrying a duffel bag. When she saw that I was awake she then smiled.

"Glad to see you finally awake" She said as she put the bag beside a sofa.

"Why? How long was I out?" I asked. She then took a chair from a table and positioned it beside me.

"You are asleep for almost three days" She answered.

"What!" I shouted but try to remain calm again.

"What did actually happened to me? I thought that was just last night I didn't know that I was asleep for that long?" I said as look at her.

"Well one of the FBI agent shot you for he thought you are the killer of the patient you saved the other night"

"So he shot me because I was in the room?"

"Yes that explains everything" She said but I was confused

"But why me? what did I do?"

"You didn't do anything dear, it's just that he thought that you fit at the killer's profile. The killer was actually a female and still roaming freely and because you were in there and alone with the patient that made him protective at the victim so he pulled the trigger" Elizabeth explains while holding my face. I notice that her eyes are puffy and it looks like she did not sleep yet.

"I apologize for making you worry Elizabeth" I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Hey, don't apologize dear it is not your fault and you know you can't stop me from worrying about you. You are like a daughter to me aside from being my colleague and a close friend" She said while smiling at me.

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