Old Friends

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"Oh, ok. I'll be there soon."

I hung up the phone. Sighing, I tried to stay calm. It wasn't a big deal, I was just returning a favour. After I freshened up myself, I checked that I had all that I would need before I walked out of my apartment.

          Like everyday, I avoided the lift (I had a little fear of them so to say) and trekked down the many stairs; this was the only one of the downsides to living in a block of flats. Greeting a few people on thew way down, I tried to look as if everything was normal. It was strange how close I was to some of my neighbours because I had never invited them round or had a full length conversation with any of them.

        As I started up my car, I had a sudden thought, which meant that I was hesitating. But I pushed those negative thoughts aside and reversed out of the garage. I had to get there, or at least I had to try. The journey was a good half hour, meaning that I had a lot of time to think about the situation. Instead of listing many cons to what I was doing I made a list of the pros...there weren't many.

          Many security guards were surrounding the entrance which wasn't surprising. My hands were sweaty on the steering wheel, my breath shaky, even though I hadn't done anything wrong. I stopped at the gate, waiting for a security guard to let me through. They must have been told of my invitation because they let me through straight away, rather than asking me who I was. I parked away from all the other cars, worried that I might park in an employee's space. As I walked toward the entrance, I felt eyes on me. No one would know who I was, they had no records of me, or so I hoped.

          The building was literally the biggest skyscraper I had ever seen. As I entered, there were loads of workers around, all in different uniforms. Some were running around whilst others strolled. In all the commotion, I spotted what looked to be the main desk. My heels clicked against the marble floor as I quickly made my way over. A woman with her hair in neat bun and a smart uniform lifted her head to smile at me.

"Hello ms, what can I do for you?" She asked, her smile never fading.

"Uh, hi. I was called in by Director Fury." I explained.

She looked up at her computer, probably checking his appointments who they were with."Oh yes! My colleague here will show you to him." I hadn't even given her my name.

They have amazing technology, I've probably just been talking to a robot.

         She gestured to a man behind me. He too was wearing a smart uniform and held a tablet, probably for noting down important notices.

         He guided me to the nearest lift, but knowing that I would have someone in there with me had calmed me a little; but these were glass lifts which was much worse than a regular one. He let me in first, telling the lift to take us to Fury's office. S.H.I.E.L.D's technology always amazed me. The ascend up there took a while but soon enough we made it. A long corridor was revealed as the doors parted, one silver door at the end; I had been here before.

          The man opened the door and walked in, holding it for me. I walked in and thanked him. He exited the room and it suddenly felt cold. Fury was standing at the huge window, looking at the city, or he was thinking.

"Please, take a seat, Bethan." His voice made me jump but I did what he said

As I sat down, he turned to face me."So what is it that you needed me for?"

"I know that it has been many years since we last met. And I know that it when we last saw each other, it was not on good occasion."

I shook my head.

"But I called you in because I need your help."

"What can I do?"

"I hope you know of Captain America." He sat down at his desk.

"Of course, who doesn't?"

"He needs to be educated."


"The Captain knows a lot about strategies and how to handle missions but he knows little about the modern world."

"And you want me to teach him?"

"Yes," he handed me a huge folder,"this has all the information on him, what your tasks are and who you should contact in case of an emergency."

"Fury, with all due respect, I'm not an agent."

"But you're the only person I can trust."

"But this could get me into so much trouble. Besides, wouldn't it be better for you to use an agent?"

"No, I need you to do it. I don't have to remind you of why you owe me, do I?"

I sighed."No."

"Good, you start tomorrow."

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