The Truth Will Come Out

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As soon as I woke up, I headed towards the ensuite, wanting to look presentable for Steve. Standing in the shower, I thought about the day before, still upset that I had be double crossed. He had betrayed everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D and there were probably more HYDRA bastards lurking around.

         Exiting the bedroom, I saw that Steve had just finished making breakfast for both of us, dressed in what looked like work out gear.

"Going somewhere?" I smiled as I approached him.

He smiled back, handing me a plate of eggs, bacon and toast."Coming back actually."

I followed him to the table."You mean, you've been out already?" I glanced at the clock which read eight o'clock."When did you get up?"

"Six o'clock sharp. I go for a run every morning. There's this guy I met a few weeks back, and let's just say we're kind of competitive."

"I could never do that. I'm not a good runner."

"You should join us, I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind."

"No that's ok. I'd just slow you down."

We ate in silence for a while before Steve spoke up again."How are you feeling?"

"After yesterday, I think I just want to forget everything. Fury isn't going to be in a good mood, I'll tell you that."

"Speaking of Fury, his secretary called earlier. He wants us to go in to speak with him but I don't know what for."

"He probably wants to go through some sort of protection plan for me. Again."

            Steve and I finished off breakfast and got ready for the day. We headed down to his garage, however, I forgot about his preferred use of transport. I stood in the doorway as he made his way over to his motercyle.

"Are you coming?" he chuckled, putting on a helmet.

"Um, slight problem." I squeaked out.

"What is it?"

"I've never been on a motorbike."

He just smiled."I promise you'll be safe."

"Yeah, I know, cause I'm with you and everything. But....I don't know, it's just a bit scary."

He sat on in, turning on the engine."Come on, it'll be fun."

I sighed, giggling."Ok, let's just get this over with." I got onto the back of it, putting on another helmet he had."Uh, what do I hold onto?"

"Me. And hold on tight."

          My stomach was constantly doing flips, not only from the thrill of the fast vehicle but also because of where my arms were. I was blushing to myself, feeling stupid for it. My eyes were closed for most of it, not sure whether I loved or hated the feeling. However, we soon arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D HQ, everyone looking at Captain America and the new girl who had messed things up. My legs were a little wobbly as I stood, having to be supported by Steve, who was laughing.

As we stepped into the lift, I caught the glances of the other agents."They all hate me." I sighed.

"Who?" he asked, his gaze going from the window to me.

"Everyone in this building."

"Well I'm here, aren't I?"

I smiled."You know what I mean. Ever since I got here, it's just been chaos."

"That's not your fault. It's just the wrong time for you to be here."

I knew that he was referring to HYDRA."Yeah, I guess you're right."

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