5: I Quit

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Song for chapter: What Now- by Rihanna

Diamond's Pov

It's been a week from the Derek incident and now it was Monday again. I was still deciding whether to call the cops or not but the thing that was stopping me was putting Adrian's, Jack's, Uncle Ben's, and my dad's lives at risk.

I started work today at Renee's and I was stressed. Every night I would wake up from that horrible dream thinking it was real just to end up having a panic attack. And every night no one came to my aid.

I didn't want to call Adrian because I knew she had problems of her own but she was the only one that can help mend my pain little by little.

I had that same dream for seven days straight. Dreams do come true. Oh Gosh.

I awoke from the horrible dream and stayed up all last night, afraid to go back to sleep. So now I feel like poop.

I crawled out of bed, rocking on my feet slightly when I stood up. Today I go to work and have to face everyone's sympathy looks and then after, I start my job at Renee's.

I pulled the uniform for the Cafe out. A black Skater's skirt, with a red button up that you have to tuck in, black heels, and a black hand band with a red cup of coffee coming up off of it. The word Renee's is across the right breast pocket of the shirt and my name is across the left.

I stuffed the outfit into a duffel bag and then went to my closet. I found a white strap, floral, loose cami top. I also pulled out light denim skinny jeans and a pair of dolly high, platform heels. I got my green satchel and put in my wallet, keys, pepper spray, etc.

I put everything on after a hot shower and took out the braids I braided before bed. My hair came out into shiny waves. I applied pink lip stick to my lips, grabbed my bags and went downstairs.

Again my dad was gone for work and Marissa was drinking tea but the only difference was Jennifer sitting on the couch watching Teen Wolf on Hulu. I swear if she loses my place on the episode I'm watching currently.

On Tuesday last week, she explained to me why she came home; because it was in the middle of her school year at college and she went to college in Pennsylvania. 

She made up excuses about just wanting to see Marissa and my Dad and blah, blah, blah. We all know she came home just to ruin my life. She's nineteen now and needs to grow up.

She will be staying with us for 4 weeks so that means I only have this week and next two weeks left with her. Hallelujah!

Jennifer glared at me. I frowned confused of her anger towards me.

"What?" I snapped. I wasn't in the mood today.

"So modeling agency called for you a while ago" She nagged.

A smile crept on my face. Her jealousy was putting her in a prissy mood making me happy. I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen.

My grin widen as I stared at the cupcake on the counter. A vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles. It was placed on a plate with a card beside it.

I frowned. Why was it still there? If it was out in the open, I guarantee you that Jennifer would've ate it already.

I picked up the card.

Dear snug bug, 

Sorry I haven't been home in a while. Everything's been busy but I got you something you'd like.

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