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So you know the feeling of waking up from a long nap and being dragged along the damn floor? NO? Well tell ya what I do because that is exactly what happened to me. That big annoying muscular man and stupid hunched back sword guy were dragging me along the floor, like how rude!?

 That big annoying muscular man and stupid hunched back sword guy were dragging me along the floor, like how rude!?

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I was about to say something cheeky but stopped releasing they I had the upper hand. They thought I was knocked out cold, fast asleep and that but I wasn't . I smirked the fear wiping away as the plan formed in my head.

"Right so I'll reach for my gun and- CRAP ITS GONE, ok ok I'll go for the knife shoved in my bra then- agh they each have my arm held tight." Ideas come and went as I slowly lost hope.

"No can't  do that then they win and that can't happen, ok let's try this again if one or both of them drop me or get distracted I will whip away my arms grab my knife stab, stab then run away." My smile returned knowing my plan was locked in.

The key to success was patience, something I was terrible at. I laid there getting dragged with the most judgement, angry and bored face i think I ever pulled.

My moment came
A large boom very close shuck the ground causing them to wobble, clear confusion spreading along their face. Taking this moment, I yanked my arms so hard I almost took them with me and quickly dug for the knife. Grabbing it I slashed the bottom of there exposed leg, they were still in shock but were quickly to growl in pain as the toppled over and grabbed there legs taking the last moment to shoot.

Like some stupid cartoon I started running in a zig zag screaming bloody murder. I couldn't see them but I knew the thought I was special, very special.

I got back grabbed my bag and ran to find a game. I thought they took my gun but turns out I left it in my bag from the crazy events yesterday. "Hehe." I giggled out loud knowing I had survived once again.

Story of Brooke Evelyn //Alice in borderland//Where stories live. Discover now