moving on..

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"Hey" i opened the door to one very handsome zayn holding a chocolate box zayn pulls me towards him for a kiss his tounge gently rolls around mine i pulled away and lead him upstairs "so..this is your new house i'm so happy your here i promise to meet up with you everyday somewhere" he chuckeld "laaana what do you plan on doing, like further education, singing modeling?" "Oh ermm.. i wanted to go into fashion designing and modeling, youtuber i think maybe singing, i already do a bit of that"
"Definately do singing your voice is beautiful babe"he smiled "oh and when do you plan on telling your parents?"
When i leave school i think ughh i dunno he smiled
That must be perrie them lot i rushed zayn into the living room while i opened the door.

Kylie's pov:
I've only know lana, perrie and selena for 4 weeks and i already trusted them like sisters, we've all told each other our secrets exept me i still had'nt told them that i'm kendall jenners sister, kris is my mum and kim, khlo,and kourt are my half sisters i had to keep it a secret from the media because my mum did'nt want me to get harassed at such a young age neither did i. I wonder what lana had to tell us perhaps if there's time i'd tell them today.
She lead us into the living room and if i can see right thats ZAYN MALIK??!?! Wtff omgg she had a celebrity secret too why is he here? How do you know him? How,...? Me, selena and perrie bomarded lana with questions she answered them calmly and told us her long ass story "so it was lana who sang 'feat' annoymous in almost every song!! Omgg your voice if beautifulllll" selena said shocked, perrie was speachless i laughed at there expressions lana then told us the story of how she told some old friends and what ever.
I think i'm going to tell them my secret now.

Lana's pov:
Omgg thier expressions were soo funny especially perrie's i told them me and zayn were going out as well.

"Ahemm...guys i also have something to say"kylie said nervously raising her voice
"Oh my god don't give me another heart attack"perrie laughed
"So ermmm....i'm kendall jenner's sister kris is my mum yes kim, khlo and kourt are my half sister my mum wanted me to hide from the media because she wanted me to have a good education and did'nt want me to be so exposed at such a young age, the media knows kris has another daughter they just don't know who mum did the same thing for kendall as well..i have proof all this is true"and she showed us selfies of her and the kardasians

OMYGOD i'm lost for words it all made sense now omygodd
"Omyygod" zayn said shocked"we learn something new everyday
"You know what i might just faint" perrie said laughing in shock
"Glad thats over with" me and kylie said at the same time "jinx"

Three years later when i had left school:
Harry,zayn,louis,liam and niall had an interview today lana agreed that they would reveal who lana was on the bbc interview...the same day kim would reveal who kylie was
Lana's pov:
I had slept in again..i remembered about yestardays interview and jumped out if bed panicing to see what the media was saying.
I first checked instagram and got the shock of my life i had 36million! followers wtffffff how? Whattt?
I saw zayn posted a photo of me and the band and tagged me in it which i'm guessing got me all those followers i checked kylies instagram because she also revealed who she was yestarday she had 20million! followers. Went went from a 100 to millions this is unreal.
I quickly rang kylie "omggg kyless did you see our instagram accounts" "if your shocked by that go look on twitter its CRAZZYYY" she yelled "kylie..what should i do? eva, mia and kara called me" "fuck them they just want fame pick up the phone and have a go at them but first check twitter" she advised "ok bye babe"
I did as she said omfggg twitter was crayyyyzayyy #lanahastalent and #lanafoxkyliejenner was trending everyone was talking about us i had 50! Fucking million followers wow just wow

I went downstairs and swiched on the tv me and kylie were on the news wtff hidden teenage superstars lana fox, and kylie jenner revealed causing fan meltdown
Omg my mum will definately find out its on the bbc she's still upstairs i better tell her my self before she finds out. Urghhh always one problem after another.

"Muu..m i..i need to tell you something" i cringed as i spoke "yes?? Go on" "you need to come down stairs tho" i said pulling her arm "should i call your dad?" She asked "yeah you might as well"i bit down on my lip really hard having no idea how they'll react.

I switched on the tv and let them both watch it for themselves. "LANA, you know that you should'nt be exposing your self like this,"my mum yelled, my dad just sat siletly in shock "explain everything" my mum said panicing. So i did i told both my mum and dad how i earned money and did'nt know what to do with it so i put 20pounds in my dad's wallet every dad and some in charity "thats where the money came from?" My dad said raising his eyebrow "yeah" i told them how i sang, met celebrities but i never ever, ever mentioned how i'm going out with zayn malik i'd never hear the end of it luckily the media dose'nt know that
"Ok" my mum said calmly i cant imagine the shock shes dealing with.

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