Chapter One

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Hey - quick message from yours truly. This is my first attempt at writing anything, besides scholarly papers. It is loosely based on real life events, and I've gone back and forth on the names of people, finally deciding to use fake names. So, let me know if I've mis-named people in the story. I originally started out with their names being true-to-life. But since its only partially based on real life, I decided they needed their own names. So, there might be a time when I use the wrong name in these first few chapters. Help me out and point it out for me!

I'd love to hear back from everyone! Comment, vote, etc!!

Also, I don't mind constructive criticism, and I'm always looking for people to help point out grammatical errors - but if you have something hateful to say, say it some place else.  Life is too short to be hateful :) ENJOY


I have always been a bit of an outcast.  I'm a little quirky, some might call me weird.  I'm the kid you see belting out songs in the car while driving, mumbling to myself as I shuffle down the hall at school.  That kid. You know the one.  The first to class, the one that actually does my homework, studies for tests during lunch and gets excited for projects.  I was a little out there and a little nerdish.  That's me.  It took me a really long time to be ok with that.  Its hard in middle school, and worse in high school to be that person.  In middle school, I got picked on a lot, which sucked.  People that had been my friends in elementary school were all the sudden too cool for me.  They'd make jokes about me in class, and ridicule me during lunch.  If I thought that was bad, high school was worse.  Instead of cruelty, I was just ignored by most people.  I'd walk through the halls unnoticed - people would ram into me and not even flinch.

I'm really shy at first, which makes it hard for me to make friends.  But, over the years I had made a few friends.  Not the fake, bubbly friends most people in high school have - you know, the horrible kind that tease people just to make themselves feel better.  No, I had real friends.  The kind of friends that knew me and all my weirdness and loved me anyway. 

It wasn't until many years later that I really figured out who my good friends were.  But, the real friends were made during this part of my life, and they stuck by me during the struggles I'd come to face all too soon. 

Despite finding true friends, a part of me still always wanted the acceptance of the cool kids.  I always wanted to impress them somehow, and I really believed that if I could do that they'd bring me into their group.  It must be nice to walk through the halls like you owned the joint.  I wanted a piece of that and I just needed the right 'in' to do it.

My freshman year, everyone was getting the cartilage of their ears pierced.  All the popular girls looked stunning with their new hoops.  I didn't even have my ears pierced, and there was no way my mother was going to let me pierce the top of my ear.  But I was determined to work around that.  While at the mall one day, I found magnetic earrings - the kind that don't need piercing, you just put one part of the magnet on the back of your ear and the other part in the front.  I figured that'd work, bought one and sported it to school the next day. 

Right away the popular girls noticed and came flocking my way.  They wanted to know when I got it, where, how much it hurt, and all that.  I was finally feeling like I had wiggled my way in, when they asked to see the back side.  I knew they'd know right away it wasn't real if they saw the round magnetic disk.  So I made up some excuse and ran off.  How lame! 

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