Chapter Nine

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I've gone back and made some minor changes here and there to the first 8 chapters.  I've also tried to clean them up a bit, fix errors, etc. Its hard to read through your own work looking for corrections, so if anyone out there feels up for some editing - be my guest!! You also might want to glance back through the first couple of chapters and review the changes. Nothing too big, but I did add a bit to them.

This chapter is going to be kind of short, but I promise I'll upload more tomorrow.

Comment, Vote, Etc! Thanks!


After our fight the night before, I really had no desire to talk to Jason today.  I wasn't really mad anymore, but I just couldn't believe he'd freaked out like that.  He'd never been the jealous boyfriend before, and I didn't understand what prompted this whole mess. And I was trying to make a point. I didn't need him to be my daddy. I needed him to be an understanding boyfriend.

Kate and I spent the whole day out as a way to keep my mind off everything.  We went to breakfast at IHOP, went shopping at the campus store, walked around, stopped by to see our boys. We ended up staying with them for most of the night.  The four of us played board games and watched scary movies. They'd recently stocked up on cookie dough and other delicious sweets, so it was the perfect way to handle my misery.

We stayed passed curfew, so when the last movie was over Kate and I had to sneak out - ninja style. We crept down the halls, and had to duck into the bathrooms because someone was coming out of their room.  We hid in the shower stall for a few minutes before reemerging.

Once we hit the stairs we bolted down two at a time. We were out of breath by the time we got outside and laughing like school girls. We stopped on the way back to our dorm and just talked in one of the random wooden swings that dot the campus.

We spent another hour just talking about random stuff before a brilliant idea came up.

I can't believe we'd never tried this before! It was sitting right there in front of us.

The towers in the main hall on campus. The stretched up at least 6 stories off the ground, and had small openings in each peak. We were going to find a way to get into the towers.

Kate and I snuck around (we must have been in ninja mode that night) and found an unlocked door. We quickly found our way up the stairs to the top story. The classrooms and elevators only went up to the 5th floor, but by golly we were going to find some access to those towers. Their had to be someway up them.

After a few minutes of walking up and down empty corriders we found what we were looking for. An access door.

The door creaked open and unveiled a tiny opening, dark with night and only encompassing a small rusty ladder that headed straight up. Clearly we'd found our tower access.

"You ready, Kate?" I asked, totally high on adrenaline.

"Crap its dark up there. Maybe we should come back another night when we have a flashlight?" she asked, looking a bit nervous.

"Don't be a pansy. Come on! I'll go up first!"

With that I bounded into the blackness and started my way up the shaky ladder. I'm not scared of heights particularly, but it was a bit unnerving crawling into the darkness like that in a space hardly big enough to fit one grown adult.

Finally I reached the top of the ladder, still facing absolute darkness. I could feel the ladder shake as Kate caught up to me.

I felt around for a handle or door knob or something.....

Finally I felt a small metal handle, gave it a good tug....and nothing. Pushed against it some, trying to keep my balance on the rusty ladder and felt the door give just a little.

WIth one more mighty push, the door flew open and I almost lost my footing and fell back down the ladder. But, we'd done it. We'd reached one of the towers.

I dusted myself off a bit and climbed the last bit into the tower. Kate followed right behind.

"Christ Cassie! You broke the handle!" I heard Kate say with a small laugh.

"Whoops. It was so worth it though - come check out this view!"

And it really was spectacular. We could see most of the main campus from up here. It was peaceful and for a moment everything stood still.

Eventually we had to break the silence and head in for the night. This would be our spot though. Our "get away from the world" hideaway.

And it had been exactly what I needed that night. A break from reality and everything going on with Jason.

I was surprised to have no messages waiting for me when we finally made it back to our dorm.  Jason was either still mad at me himself, or smart enough to give me some space.  I'd call him in the morning, but for now I was beat and wanted to call it a night.

I ended up waking up late for class and didn't have the opportunity to call Jason that morning.  I'd been neglecting my school work a little, so I was trying to be really good about being in class everyday. After class, I stopped by the library to do a little research for a upcoming paper (see, I really was trying to be good!) and then finally made it in around dinner time.

This time, I had a message waiting for me. It was from Jason.

"Hey babe. I haven't heard from you in a while, but I did want to call and wish you a happy birthday.  I love you and I hope you've had a fantastic b-day so far. I'll try calling you again later."

I had to double check the calendar - really was my birthday today.  I'd totally lost track of the days, what with being in jail and all.  I guess my parents were still pretty upset, because I hadn't gotten a call or anything from them.  Oh well, nothing I can do about that right now.

Apparently, I was the only person who forgot it was my birthday, while waiting for Kate to get back from her day I received 20 calls all wishing me happy birthday.  And when Kate walked in, she was carrying balloons, and a big present. She was too good to me.

We ended up going out to eat to open my gift and celebrate my birthday. We had a great time, and I loved the purse she got for me.  We'd seen it out shopping the day before our whole prison extravaganza and I guess she madea mental note to get it for me today. We went out to Outback Steakhouse and had a great time and a great meal.

When we got home though, I wasn't feeling well.  I almost didn't make it to the bathrooms in time to see my dinner again.  I felt much better afterwards, didn't have a fever, so I blamed it on the meal and called it a night.

Before my alarm went off the next day I was awakened with more nausea. It didn't go away and I ended up running out of class my first class to throw up again. Damn steak was ruining my good attendance record.

I was feeling much better by lunch and ended up running by Popeye's for some popcorn chicken. Popeye's chicken and biscuits are to die for; one of my favorite quick meals.  I didn't even get home when I had to throw up again. 

Something wasn't right here. 

I never throw up Popeye's.

I spent the next hour counting and recounting the days since my last period. I just couldn't believe I was pregnant, it had to be some other excuse. Maybe it was just some weird stomach bug that was going around.  But everytime I counted I got the same result.

I was one week late.

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