Chapter Eighteen

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Yes, I'm in the middle of a move! Its total chaos over here! But, I had some extra time while Mia was sleeping to update and I just couldn't resist. My uploads might be sporadic in the next few days, but I promise to keep writing here and there! ENJOY. COMMENT, VOTE, ETC :)


Somewhere, lost in that embrace, surrounded by only the sound of crashing waves and the aroma of the ocean, I realized how silly this whole thing was.  Hello? We were getting married in a matter of days! We had the whole wedding all planned out already! He knew all along I'd say yes.

But, that only seemed to make it sweeter.

He'd known I'd say yes, that there was no real need to actually propose, but he did it anyway. He did it knowing that moment is a big moment for all girls. The proposal is a big deal; not in the long run, but in the moment. This was a story I'd tell my kids. This proposal was brag worthy. He did it just for me.

We spent our last night in Monterrey in utter bliss.

When we arrived at the house, he ran me a bath in the jacuzzi tub and had his 'romance' song list playing in our room. There were candles lit everywhere and he'd even used scented bath oil. Coming from a man, thats a big effort. It was perfect. We spent the whole night in our own world.

Reality hit us when we arrived back in San Diego. I was ushered away by my mom as soon as we touched down; final dress fitting was in one hour! My out-of-town bridesmaids were all expected to arrive in two days and I had to pick up the keys to our apartment tomorrow. We still needed to pick up the boys' tuxes, pick out our themed outfits for the rehearsal dinner and spend our last single night out on the town. Somewhere in all this mess I had to go see my OB-GYN for baby update. This visit we'd find out the sex of the baby finally!

It seemed overwhelming, but the thought of last night kept me calm. Our romantic get-a-way night would soon be our everyday life. I could spend everynight in the tub with my husband soon enough. That thought alone got me through the chaos awaiting me.

The wedding dress fit like a glove, thanks to my work-out sessions with my trainer and my daily vomiting, any weight I had gained so far wasn't noticeable in my dress. The seamstress made her final adjustments and it was mine to take home! We picked up my silver strapped sandals and veil while there and it was a wrap.

The girls got in town just in time to accompany Jason and I to the ever-important doctors appointment. The small ultrasound room was crammed pack with people; Jason, all my girls, and the parental units from both sides. I'd seen our baby before in an ultra sound, but it was nothing like this.

Before, it just looked like a small jelly bean with a flashing dot in it. We'd been told that was the heartbeat, and we even got to listen to the rapid thrum. This was different though. This time my little baby had a face, fingers, toes, a little bootie and....a little penis. Our little jelly bean was actually a little baby boy.

I think everyone cried. Everyone went wild in talking about baby as soon as the image on the screen popped up. I had no attention for them though in that instant. I could see my baby. I could see his hands and feet, his facial features, his spine. He was all there, and he was real. For an instant, everything else dissapeared. All my craziness about the wedding, my worries about our future, everything dissapeared.

"Cassie?" Jason disrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked, still not taking my eyes of the screen.

"Everyone wants to know what we're going to name him?" he prompted. I guess I'd missed their questioning.

I managed to take my eyes off the screen and finally meet the expectant gaze of my friends and family. We had gone over a few names for girls and boys, but we hadn't exactly decided on one. We'd liked Parker, Tristan for boys. Jason had wanted to name him John Wayne so we could call him the Duke but I quickly shot that one down. The Duke? Really?

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