Beautiful Mistake (Justin Bieber)

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Hello! This is my first Justin Bieber fanfiction! So please read! love ya!!

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(Rose's pov)

I woke up early in the morning to a sudden sick feeling in my stomach. I quickly sprinted to the bathroom and puked up lastnights dinner. I heard foot steps behind me and then someone holding my hair back, I automatically knew who it was... Justin

"You okay baby"? Justin asked me sweetly after I was done puking my guts out. I flushed the toilet and stood up.

"Yeah I think so, I think I might have the stomach bug though". Said while i started to brush my teeth.

"Okay baby, maybe we should go to the doctor and get you checked out if you still don't feel well tomorrow". Justin said and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah okay, i might have just eaten something bad last night".

"Maybe you should take it easy today yeah? Lets have a lazy day, lets go lay back to bed". He said taking my hand leading back to our bed. We both layed down and he put his head between my neck and kissed my shoulder sweetly.

"When are you going on tour again?" i asked.

"Next August". He said. It currently was just the beginning of September so Justin wasn't going to be on tour till next year.

"You hungry baby?" Justin asked.

"Yes, very!" I said now acknowledging my growling stomach. We both got up from the bed and Justin took my hand and we both walked down the hallway of our flat and headed to the kitchen.

"Watcha want?" Justin asked.

"A peanut butter and jelly sandwiched". i said taking the bread and peanut butter out of the pantry and also getting the jelly. I quickly made my sandwiched and sat at the bar attached to the kitchen. I took a bite of my sandwiched and made a nasty face.

"What's wrong? Don't like it?". Justin asked.

"It tastes funny". I said scrunching up my face.

"It needs something a little extra". i said walking to the fridge, i looked around.

"Ah ha!". i cheered as i found the right things. I quickly put the last two final touches to my pb&j.

"Seriosuly Rose? Pickles and whipped cream?" Justin said with a scrunched up face.

"Yeah! Why not!". I said and took a bite, and it tasted so good.

After we ate me and Justin sat down on the couch and watched some tv. Two movies later i started to get that sickness feeling again and i quickly jumped off Justin's lap and sprinted to the clostest bathroom and once again spewed my guts out.

"Okay, we're going to the doctors now". I quickly brushed my teeth and put on one of Justin's sweatshirts and put my hair up in a messy bun and left to the car with Justin.

When we got to the doctors office we went to the front counter and ased for a checkup. 30 minutes later the doctor called my name and we walked into the room.

"So miss Rose what seems to be the problem?". The doctor asked.

"I have been feeling nauseous alot".

"And she has been eating weird shit too!". Justin butted in. I shot him a death glare and turned back to the doctor. He was writing things on his clipboard and lookes back up.

"Well miss Rose lets do a quick blood test". The doctor quickly took some blood and then left the room. About 10 minutes later he came back in with a nervous look.

"Well miss Rose you are 17 correct?". He asked.

"Yes sir". I replied.

"Well it seems that you are 3 1/2 months pregnant!" The doctor exclaimed.

"What?!?" Me and Justin both sasked shocked.

"Yes you are expecting Rose and Justin congratulations!".

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