XII. Tides

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A sorrowful journey trekked amongst the cold plains of the Overworld. What used to be a great nation is now turned into survivors.

Gray clouds loomed over their heads, almost as a grim reminder of the tragic night that lingered with them. White, frozen flakes fell from the sky; to some of them, it might as well have been ash. At least that was what Lyra thought. She couldn't help but worry about the survivors, especially Kaelen. Her sympathy for him was too great, as she also has lost loved ones, so she stayed by his side but at a distance. His arm wrapped around his mother as she was starting to get cold.

This image of Kaelen and his mother was common as they traveled. Even Aeris was getting cold within her cloak. Lyra enveloped her with her own cloak and huddled close to share what remained of her body heat.

The snow began to appear denser as it fell, and the wind was harsher, lowering their visibility. Soon the front of the group was no longer visible, the snow sticking to the ground and worse—their clothes. Lyra noticed that the speed of their walk began to slow as they began to pass the rear.

"They're losing their will," Kaelen said, feeling his will becoming weak as well.

"We can't be too far." Said Lyra.

"We have been traveling for hours. The people are getting tired, and we haven't had any conflicts. We need to make a stop."

Lyra paused before she spoke. But before she could, she fell down a hill, Aeris almost following her if it wasn't for Kaelen. Snow crept through the openings of her clothes, sending a chilling shock throughout her body. Once she stopped rolling, she tried to quickly get up, but the snow had other plans as it slowed her movements.

"Lyra!" Aeris yelled from the top.

Lyra looked up from the base of the hill but could barely make out their silhouettes in the heavily dense falling snow. "I'm fine!" She called back.

She began to look around. It almost felt familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Lyra began to walk further, and the ground beneath started to give easier than it was above. She shoveled the snow off the ground with her hands and found dirt. She shoveled again and found it had the same result. Lyra's eyes winced as she tried to survey the lands. Only to find the snow beginning to pile, but one thing stood out. It was the level of the snow—even for as far as she could see.

"I think we're passing some farmlands!" She said, doing her best to shout over the quickening winds.

Kaelen slid down, and his mother followed. Some of the other lycans followed and stayed close. Kaelen plunged his hand into the gathering snow, deep into the dirt. He could tell that the dirt is unusually fertile. Lyra saw his gaze wander in the winter landscape.

"These fields were laid going that direction," he said, pointing parallel to the hill. "We need to hurry, or the track will get lost."

Lyra nodded as she made her way along the base of the hill. His arms braced for the harsh winds that began to blow snow on her face. Feeling as if they'd walked a mile, Lyra saw a square silhouette in the near distance. She pointed it out to everyone, and they acknowledged it. The survivors made their way, and luck seemed to be on their side as the winds began to die down the closer they got, realizing it was a barnhouse. Lyra peeked around the corner only to be greeted by a gust of wind nearly blowing her back, but Kaelen was there to catch her.

The two observed a well-lit house just perpendicular to the barnhouse. Lyra pointed at the house and began to walk, bracing the snow once more. With hope driving her resolve, the trek through the snow was short. She knocked—no response. She knocked again but ended in the same conclusion. Kaelen walked up to the door and banged his fist on it, startling Lyra as she thought he would break it.

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