Chapter II: Homeward

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Caitlyn's shoulder itches from the contact with the woman who killed her mother. How did she find herself here? Saving the very person she'd vowed to end? All the nights she's lain awake, counting the folds of her canopy, imagining her hand on the trigger and pulling. In perfect detail, watching the bullet glide through the air with precision before puncturing Jinx's skull. Caitlyn survived the weeks after her mother's death with one goal: to watch the light fade from those unnatural pink eyes. This image is what soothed her to sleep and what chased her through every waking hour.

After limping through the undercity for hours, Caitlyn had bribed a Zaunite with a cart to hide the sisters across the checkpoint. News hadn't spread, so one look at their Commander's face and a subtle hint at the cart containing confiscated Zaunite weaponry, not an entirely untrue statement, and they were through. Now in a mobile, the three sit in silence, Jinx flopped over onto Vi's lap, her breathing getting progressively more even. In another life, Caitlyn could respect that kind of resilience. But in this life, where Caitlyn would never see her mother's stern, discerning face again, Caitlyn could only resent that trait. After all, Jinx said it herself, she simply couldn't die.

The mobile stops. Home.

"Here we are, Commander Kiramman." She hands the driver coins, enough to ensure his silence, and the three make their way inside.

It's a blessing her father wouldn't be home for a few days, as he was currently overseeing a medical conference out of town. He'd been good at keeping himself busy. Her house is warm but sterile. A certain comfort had left it when her mother passed, as if the estate knew no joy remained.

Vi carried Jinx to the upholstered couch and laid her down, briefly checking her pulse.

"Are you sure we should be here?" Vi asks, her back still turned.

"We'll be safe. For now. There's no way of knowing what Ambessa will do. We've made an enemy of someone one would hope never to cross." Vi's shoulders are set; even injured, she always seems to have this stability to her. Caitlyn looks freely, her eyes washing over Vi's arms, taut muscles wrapped in fabric, and ending in fists. Her hands always seemed to be gathered into fists. Now, Caitlyn remembers vividly what it felt like to have those hands open, running through her hair, pulling at her waist. Caitlyn's stomach starts doing flips. Vi turns abruptly, clutching at her abdomen, her eyes filled with pain. All Caitlyn wants to do is rush forward, to hold her. To take the tears gathering at Vi's eyes and kiss them away. But would her touch be welcome?

"Vi–," they hear faint shuffling upstairs, which crescendos into rapidly approaching footsteps. Caitlyn grabs for her gun still strapped to her back. Vi steels herself for yet another fight.


Orange hair appears from the top of the stairwell. Maddie is running down the stairs. Oh no, not now. She rushes toward Caitlyn and embraces her, looking her over with such concern that Caitlyn is immediately consumed with guilt.

"Oh, I was so worried! We got news that something had gone wrong. Casualties were high. No one could explain it!"


"You just... you left so early this morning. I woke up and you were gone! Oh, thank goodness, you're okay!"

"How rude of you." Vi's voice, drenched in cold humor, as she smirks at Caitlyn. Maybe before Caitlyn would have believed that facade of the uncaring brawler Vi so often plastered on. But her eyes... Betrayal. "To leave your girlfriend in a cold empty bed. They don't teach manners to pompous Piltover princesses?"

Maddie seemed only now to notice the sisters, as her gaze drifted to the unconscious Jinx. Vi stepped in front of her sister protectively.

"What is Jinx doing here?" Maddie shuffles closer to her Commander.

"Sh–She–," Caitlyn stutters as Maddie's awaiting, concerned eyes widen, "She's in my custody for now."

"Ha!" Vi lets out a harsh laugh, completely devoid of humor. "Sounds about right." She leans over, grunting at the pain, and picks her sister up. "If you don't mind, I'll go find a cell for your new prisoners." Vi walks away, slightly limping up the stairs. Caitlyn opens her mouth to speak and closes it again several times before Vi disappears into the vast estate. Somehow, that woman always makes her lose all eloquence.

"Caitlyn, please tell me what's going on." Maddie's girlish voice brings her back to the present.

"Ambessa is not who we thought she was. She is no friend of Piltover." Maddie nods, seeming to understand, and places her hand on Caitlyn's neck, stepping closer.

"I'll follow you anywhere." Maddie's breath hits her lips.

The contact feels wrong. If she is honest, it has always felt wrong. But in the midst of loss, Maddie had been her brief distraction. Maddie was sweet, uncomplicated, and loyal. She would never fight back against Caitlyn, question her decisions, or make her second-guess her own motivations. Caitlyn was selfish. But now... Now that she has seen Vi again... There is probably no hope, no redemption for what she's done. But... after being reminded of how it feels to touch Vi, even in small ways. To hear her voice. Cupcake. The thin veil of distraction shatters.

Maddie arches up to kiss her, but Caitlyn pulls back.

"Maddie... I can't." Caitlyn gently pulls Maddie's hands from her neck and steps back. Maddie's eyes contort with hurt and shock. The stab Caitlyn feels in her gut is well-deserved.

"It's Vi... isn't it." Maddie looks down at her regulation boots.

"Maddie, I– I'm sorry." The ginger slowly looks up to meet her superior officer's face and gives a soft, half-hearted smile.

"I knew this would be complicated... All I wanted was to support you." A pang of guilt knocks the air out of Caitlyn.

"I wish I was the right person for the job." Maddie begins to walk toward the lavish door. "I still believe in you. I always will, Commander Kiramman."

The door closes with a loud BANG, leaving Caitlyn, for the first time in a very long time, completely alone.

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