Chapter 7: The Dirt Under Our Nails

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She opens her eyes reluctantly and feels herself encased in sturdy warmth. Violet. Caitlyn couldn't remember the first time she'd uttered the unabbreviated name, but she likes how it feels on her tongue. A delicate little word so at odds with the tough woman she's grown to adore. Maybe that's why: the contrast. Caitlyn knows she is blessed to see the softest behind the scowl. To feel the tender caresses wrapped in calluses.


"Mhmm." The immediate soft murmur behind her tells her Vi must have been awake for a while. She begins playing with Caitlyn's hair.

"How long have you been up?"

"Not long." A lie but Vi's continued caressing of her hair convinces her to let this one slide.

Caitlyn turns to face Vi, meeting an utterly content smile, "I have a council meeting soon. We should get up. The city is still in shambles and with counsel a mess we have to ensure tha–"

Vi kisses her and all practical thought swiftly flies away.

"Come on, Cupcake. You can't leave." She shrugs her muscled shoulders. "Who's gonna keep me warm then."

I did appreciate your warmth.

"Or not... Don't worry about me, Cait." Vi notices Caitlyn's sudden sour expression and begins to shift away only to be stopped by a decisive hand.

"Stay, Vi. I was just thinking about..."

"I know."

The unspoken wound. The war. Caitlyn knew they should discuss it, engage their sorrow. Even now, she still feels the residual ache from the knife Ambessa had shoved in her gut, adjusting to the navy patch she now wears, day and night. Vi has yet to see the bare injury. She still touches Caitlyn with such gentleness it's as if she's afraid she will crumble apart. Unlike the sweet memory from the bunker... where Vi had pulled at Caitlyn with such intensity, eyes looking both starved and elated.

Maybe Caitlyn worries that Vi will find it hideous. A shallow concern. And one she knew was untrue. Afterall, every scar on Vi's face and body had already been worshipped by Cait's kisses. She knows Vi loves more than just what she sees, although Vi is appreciative... and profoundly enjoys finding creative ways to remind Caitlyn of her appreciation. But if she sees the gash, the now empty socket... Caitlyn isn't ready to see the look of pain and her partner's face. The loss and that echoes deep within them both mirrored from one to another in an endless loop.

But in this bed, with warm light streaming in, Caitlyn and Vi are outside of time and space, the light illuminating the strong, tattooed arms anchoring her.

"A few more minutes."

Vi nods against the back of her head.

Their hands wander lazily over each other. Caressing exhausted arms, entangling fingers that lock together then dance apart. But always returning to each other in the end.

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