The love with caution

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    My name is Cassie jones and I'm new. To this town, to this school, to everything. at first i thought I would hate going to a prep school filled with spoiled rich snobs and I did, for the first two weeks. No one spoke to me and I went unnoticed in everything I did. I was especially ignored by Shandrea Davis who is the example of just about every cliche popular kid in the book. A cheerleader, Blonde, pretty, slutty, snobby, hangs with other cheerleaders and jocks, and calls everyone a loser.  Then I spilled spagetti on her highness' two thousand dollar shoes (Yes she screamed out the price when it happened). After that, I went from the girl everyone ignored in the halls, to the girl everyone pushed in the halls. It wasn't too bad. I'd been through worse. 

     Things started looking up when I met Nikki. She was awesome and we became instant friends. Things went back down hill when I met Jackson. He was the most irritating, pig-headed, insufferable, thick-skulled...(INNER ME: Calm down Cassie. Deep breaths. Me: Fine *takes deep breath*) He was a very unpleasant person (INNER ME: That's better. Brief and not too insulting...) whose evil mission in life was to annoy me every single waking moment of my...(INNER ME: Cassie! Me: Alright.I get it. deep breaths.). Bottom line is, I met both of them, who happen to be best friends. So to hang out with my awesome friend Nikki, I had to hang out with stupid Jackson. The funny thing was, they were both populars. My little brother Cody still doesn't believe me. But it's true. Two populars decided to hang with me. And because of them and their drama, my high school life changed. Big time.







HEY!!! Author here! This is my first story on wattpad. I'm currently writing a book with these characters so I'm taking them out for a spin in this story to see what they're like. VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!! This is a story line I had when I was 13 and I really like it so let me know what you think. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. Please don't be mean. I'm really fragile :3

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