chapter 1

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Cassie's POV:


 Noooo. Must sleep.

"Cassie." My mom said shaking me.

Please be Saturday, please be Saturday.

"CASSIE! Get out of bed. If you miss the school bus again so help me I will..."

"I'm up, I'm up." I mumbled, rolling out of bed.

My mother marched me into the bathroom and ordered me to shower. I personally didn't think that was neccessary. It's not like I would have gone back to sleep after she left or anything. (INNER ME: You so would have. Me: Lies! All lies!). By the time I was done showering and getting dressed, the only thing I had time for was cereal, which was sad because mom had made blueberry pancakes that morning. While I ate my cinnamon crunch (Still yummy despite the lost pancakes), the doorbell rang and my mom went to get it.

"Can I help you?" I heard my mom ask.

“Hi Mrs. Jones. I’m Nikki Michaels, I live next door. And this is Jackson. We’re friends of Cassie and we’re here to pick her up for school.”

Oh no. This was bad. Really bad. I started eating my cereal as fast as I could. I needed to get there before mom did something wierd. 

“Seriously?” My mom said in a disbelieving tone.

“It’s true mom. Cassie made friends in her first month of school. I know, its shock worthy.” My little brother Cody said, walking up to the door.

I could practically feel the happiness radiating off my mom's body. I had to move fast, she would go in for a hug soon.

Her arms spread wide to envelope them in a hug but I got there just in time to intercept it.

“Bye mom, later Cody.” I said, giving mom a kiss on the cheek and ruffling Cody’s hair. Once I shut the door I exhaled. “I made it in time right? My mom didn't do anything wierd did she?"

 “Nothing much. You don’t make friends that often, do you?” Nikki asked. I shook my head. “That explains it. Your mom was shocked when I said we were friends of yours. That guy was your brother right? Must be a heart breaker.”

 “He was every girl’s crush when we were in New York and he’s only fourteen.” I said. It was true.  I had wierd girls coming up to me and asking for his number. Some of them were even older than me. I stopped abruptly when I saw a sleek black car parked in front of me. “Is that your car?!”

“Yeah. I got it last month. You like it?” Jackson said. I trailed my fingers along the hood of the car. It really was a gorgeous car. And it looked expensive.

“Am I really going to school in this?” I asked, mostly to myself.

“Not if you don’t get in. Hurry up.” Nikki called. Jackson was already behind the wheel.  I got in the back seat and we sped off.

“So Cassie. How come you don’t get contacts?” Nikki asked.

“I don’t really need to. I just need glasses for reading.” I replied.

“Then why do you wear them full time? I honestly think you'd look a lot better if you got rid of them and did something about that awful uniform.” Nikki asked.

My uniform was way bigger than me and I wore every aspect of it, the ugly blazer,the tie, the shin length checkered skirt and the longsleeved white button up shirt with the sleeves properly rolled down. My hair was always piled on top of my head and I never, ever wore make-up. I didn't like it when I tried it at 13. My brother always told me that my outcast status was my fault and that if I tried, I could probably be really good looking. The last time I tried, I didn't like all the attention I got. Staying under the radar was a lot more comfortable.

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