Chapter 1

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When I was young, I always thought I'd live a normal life. I thought my life was actually normal. At the age of 4-5, I remember going to school and having fun with friends. Wrong, I didn't have any friends. I talked a lot. Some kids would make fun of a boy for having long hair.

His hair was so long, it reached his hips. I wanted to fit in, and I would also talk about his hair. But then I realized I wanted to be his friend. I may have talked to him once or twice.

I also remember fighting with a boy in 1st grade. I'm not sure why. I think I might be thrown a rock at him... obviously not a big one, possibly a pebble. I remember him biting me, and I tried not to cry, which I miserably failed at. I tried hiding it from my mom, but I didn't realize I had tear stains on my face. All for fighting on the dirt..

My mom and dad were divorced at the time, I think. Sometimes, my mom would pick me up. Other times, it would be my dad. My mom lived with her boyfriend, and my dad lived with his mom, I believe.

My mom lived in an apartment. The apartment we lived in was under everyone else's. You had to go down some steps to get to the front door.

Upstairs lived a couple with their twin daughters. I don't remember their names, but they were fun, although we would leave out one of them to play a two player game on the Game Cube. Mario Baseball-something. I got in trouble for leaving her out because she had left to her house. My mom grounded me for a while.

When I was in my dad's house, I remember doing homework. Math homework. It was the only subject I liked and it still is... except for algebra. Hate it.

1st grade for me was super slow. When my mom took me to Mexico after my little brother was born, I thought I had just started 1st grade. I didn't. I was there the whole year. My mom told me that my brother's grandma wanted to meet her grandson. That's why we were leaving. We had a baby chihuahua when we left. He fit in my mom's pocket.

I remember stopping somewhere, and my step-dad was talking to someone while my mom hid the dog. I didn't say anything. When we drove off, she gave me the dog, and I put him on my baby brother's car seat. My mom had my brother. I fell asleep after I saw the Chihuahua, Milo, fall asleep. When I woke up, he wasn't on the car seat. We were in the desert, or so it seemed. There were no buildings, and it was a bit hot.

My mom and her boyfriend got off the car to search for the dog. I only remember them mentioning his cries and found him. Where? I don't recall.

When we got to the place, it was so dark. It was like 12 am. I wasn't sure where we were, but the people were nice to me, and they let me watch a movie until the sun came out. I was pretty sure it was one movie, but I don't think so anymore.

The people there were my step-dad's family. The dad, the step-mom, and two kids. Both guys. My step-dad was the oldest. Then there was Luis, 17 or 18, and Diego, 15. Actually, I don't remember their ages. But they were young.

They treated me like an annoying kid... which i definitely was. I would always chase behind them and try to play with them or go to stores with them even though they'd run away from me. I didn't like running at all.

"Sarah, vete a cambiar." Go change. My mom looked at me as two men entered through the small gate that connected from the street to our backyard. I entered the house and my brother looked concerned. He was 2-3 years old at the time.

"¿A donde vas?" Where are you going?. I looked at him and smiled softly.

"A un lugar donde nunca más me vas a ver." A place where you will never see me again. It was supposed to be a little joke.

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