Vanilla flavoured

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Me and Mackenzie grabbed dessert for tonight's dinner. Vanilla pudding, vanilla is underated in my opinion. It always reminds me of a relaxing bath, with bubbles and candles. Most people could beg to differ.

"Oh vanilla pudding! Luke would love that"

"Really? He looks like a strawberry type of guy"

"Oh gosh no, everytime me or my brother would buy anything besides vanilla flavour he would argue like he's a licensed lawyer"

"Well he's not wrong, vanilla is the best"

"I expect you and Luke might get along really well"

After that chit chat we hopped into the car and drove to her brothers house, I don't even know his name.

I just met Mackenzie, and she seems nice, Luke on the other hand. I think he's gonna take a while to warm up to me, he looks like a ' I don't give a fuck about anyone ' type of guy

The drive was 15 minutes away from the bakery, me and Mackenzie had a conversation about the movie ' how to lose a guy in 10 days'

That's my favourite romcom ever. Argue with the wall.

"No I would go insane if someone acted like how she acted, he's brave"

"Oh come on Mila, she's hot you can agree on that, he was a sucker for her"

"He lives with his mother and she has to do All his chores is just crazy to me"

"Oh yea that's a different topic, oh look we're here!"

"Um so you guys are rich rich?"

"What no don't be silly"

"The only thing that's silly is my apartment compared to this mansion"

"Yea I don't know my brother and Luke own a business so they do make big lumps of cash, anyways come on let's go say hi!"

I'm gonna marry her brother if he's this rich, or I could be that independent girl and say "I can be successful on my own"

The house is in the towns fancy area. Why did I not expect this? I mean Mackenzie is dressed in all brand designer clothes. Does she live here too?

We walk to the front door, when Mackenzie was about to knock when a man, that I would guess is about 28 years old, opens the door and greets us.

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