Chapter 1

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"Im glad you were all able to make it here." Master Hand said to the smashers. They all stood in front of the floating hand all looking sleep deprived. Yawns could be all throughout the living room "Master Hand what's going on?" Mario asked scratching the back of his head. Master Hand had woken up the entire house for an anouncement.

Master Hand cleared his throat "Here at the super smash bros tournament we like to be very open to other video game characters, such an example is with Ryu joining the smash roster, which normally wouldn't of happened before." Master Hand continued "Which is why we are going to have some vistors today from a completely unexpected video game franchise." Everyone gasped and started talking amongst eachother....and some didnt even care. "Master Hand who are the characters?" Luigi asks.

"That I will reveal this afternoon, as of now it's a surprise." Master Hand finished his anouncement and off the smashers went to the dinning hall for some breakfast.

"Man, I wonder who the characters are going to be and from what game!" Villager said. 'The Kids of Smash' as they like to call themselves were on the breakfast line getting their food as they chatted amongst eachother "Yeah! I hope it's someone cool like Megaman haha!" Ness was pumped up and excited as well.

The Kids of Smash consisted of Toon Link the leader, Ness, Lucas, and Villager. They all sat down at a table with their food. Toon Link took a bite of his breakfast sandwhich "Hey Toon, who do you want to visit the mansion?" Villager looked over at the hylian, "Hmm...Maybe Cloud from Final Fantasy seven?" Toon Link was a big fan of Cloud, he thought he was really cool.

For the rest of the day Toon Link thought of the new characters, well they wouldn't be joining smash but it still excited him that they were at least visting. In fact, that was all of what the smashers were thinking about.

The mansion's loud speaker came on which meant Master Hand had something to say "All smashers report to the courtyard, our special guests are here." The whole mansion scattered to the courtyard awaiting and anticipating their guests.

Master Hand flew in front of the smashers, all of them trying to make a good impression. "Now, before I reveal the guests I have to pick one person to show them around town and the mansion itself, and you all must be on your best behaviors." Master Hand wanted to make a good impression on the guests.

Hands flew up high in the air hoping to be picked "Hmm let's see..." Master Hand pondered.

Toon Link jumped around, waving his little hand wanting Master Hand to see him "Master Hand over here!" Toon Link shouted along with other smashers screaming "me, me!" Master Hand saw the hylian hopping around and flew over to him "Toon Link? you want to volunteer? All you do is create mischief!" Master Hand said "No way!"

"Aw come on!" Toon Link shouted while the noise was still going on. The noise of the smashers got louder after Master Hand said no to Toon Link. "I'll clean the bathroom for a week! Please Master Hand!" Toon Link begged.

Master Hand flew back to were he was originally "Alright, everyone be quiet!" The noise stopped "Ive decieded..."

"The person I will pick to tour the guests is Toon Link..." Master Hand mentally face palmed himself knowing that he had probably made a bad choice. Soon his brother Crazy Hand made his appearance "YEAH LET TOON LINK CLEAN THE BATHROOM!" he said.

Master Hand looked at his brother "How long have you been here?"

Crazy Hand laughs maniacally "ALL THIS TIME HAHA!" Toon Link however cheered "Yahoo!!" The other smashers groaned in annoyance. "Why does he always get what he wants?" Link crossed his arms in envy. Pit leaned into Link and whispered "Well at least he has to clean the bathroom now, its getting pretty gross in there..." Link nodded his head in agreement.

Master Hand flew over to the gate of the courtyard where the two guests were. Master Hand opened the gate. All of the smashers looked at the gate and most of there jaws dropped and some gasped.

"I would like to introduce you to Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart from the Final Fantasy series." Master Hand annouced to the smashers. Oooh's and aww's were heard as the two characters walked towards them. Toon Link was too busy fanboying over Cloud.

Toon Link's eyes became big and sparkly when he saw the famous Cloud Strife. Toon Link ran over to the blonde with a piece of paper and a pen "C-Can I have your autograph?!" Toon asked the man. "Sure kid." Cloud signed the boy's paper.

"Aw your so cute! What's your name?" Tifa asked the little blonde hero, Toon Link loooked up at the woman and had the most dorkish smile on his face. Toon Link had a crush on Tifa ever since. His face was glowing red, "she's even prettier in person." he thought.

"H-Hi T-Tifa..." Toon Link stuttered, the sound of giggling can be heard from his friends. Master Hand flew next to Toon Link "Toon Link don't you have something to do?" Master Hand said. "O-Oh yeah!" Toon Link clears his throat "Welcome to the smash mansion, I hope you enjoy your visit here, let me show you around." Toon Link walked inside the mansion along with Cloud and Tifa and so did the rest of the smashers.

The smashers continued on with there day while Toon Link was in charge of showing the guests around. Cloud and Tifa were mumbling something to eachother while Toon Link was trying to speak "This is the living room..." Toon Link said gesturing towards the area. Toon Link puffed his cheeks in fustration at the interaction between Tifa and Cloud they almost acted like a couple, but he couldn't be rude to the them he had to make a good impression.

"Hey kid where's the bathroom?" Cloud asked the jealous preteen. "Down the hall to your left..." Toon Link said in a monotone voice, but his he soon perked up when he saw it was just him and Tifa now that Cloud had left to use the bathroom. "Sooo~ Tifa, to answer your previous question, the name's Toon Link but my friends call me Toon." He said in a somewhat suave voice? "Nice to finally meet our tour guide." She smiled.

Toon Link blushed a bright red if that was even possible "Nice to meet you too miss Tifa." 

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