chapter 1: breaking the news

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I do not own the characters from fairy tail.
Warm sunlight from the window flooded into the dark bedroom, waking up the girl. Lucy Heartfilia raised her head with half lidded eyes to look at the bedside clock. It read 7:35. Huh, only 7:30? Well, i could get an early start at the guild today, maybe do an easy solo mission, I guess...

Lucy sighed longingly and got out from under the pink sheets. She dressed in her usual brown slitted skirt, blue and white crop top and boots. She tied her hair into pigtails. Clipping her keys to her belt, she pulled out Plue's silver key. Some company couldn't hurt, right?

"Open, gate of the little dog, nikola!" A ball of gold light appeared in the room. The light dissapeared as quickly as it came, revealing the cute snowman-like spirit in its wake. Plue shivered and happily pranced around Lucy's feet. "Puun! Puuu!"

Lucy leaned down and smiled at the little dog. "Will you walk with me today, Plue? I haven't been doing too well at the guild, but you cheer me right up!" The little dog cheerfully nodded. "Awwww. Thanks Plue!!" Plue smiled and proceeded with his dancing.

Like usual, Lucy walked on the edge of the canal with Plue in her arms.
"Be careful, Lucy!" The boatmen said worriedly. "Don't fall in!"
Lucy smiled and waved at them. "Thanks! not to worry, though!" She proceeded to walk on the edge until she reached the giant doors of Fairy Tail.

"Good morning, minna!" Lucy called to the wild guild, and like the previous three months, she was drowned out by the chaos of Lissana's return 'from the dead'. Honestly, Lucy was happy for the girl. Then she realized what a witch Lissana was.

*lucys pov

Romeo was talking to pantherlilly about hand-to-hand combat. Erza soundlessly munched on her strawberry cake-- downing the whole thing in a few bites-- while Gray made tiny ice replicas of guildmates.

And of course, Natsu and Lissana were cooing at how great the other was. Disgusting.

I sighed inwardly. They were recently an item. But what did I care? Its not like I liked Natsu that way. Right? Right!

"Good morning Lucy-sama," The sky dragon slayer sweetly replied.

Gajeel nodded curtly ,"Bunny girl."

"Hello lucy, the usual?" Mira beamed.

I smiled to myself at the realization that some people actually still care about me. Even Gajeel, surprise surprise.

"Hai! Arigato mira!" I nodded greatfully to the takeover mage, who was not even slightly similar to her demon counterpart. Or her sister, for that matter.

I inched over to Juvia who was currently looking over the request board. She particularly eyed a job that listed going undercover as a couple. "Hey juvia wacha lookin for?" The water mage's mood suddenly skyrocketed.

"JuviawantstotakeajobwithGray-sama today. Why does love rival want to know? Do you want my beloved Gray sama to yourself??!!" Juvia's mind was pulled into one of her explicit fantasies and was oogling over Gray who was shrieking, "Get off my leg, Juvia!" which was always followed by, "But Gray sama, Juvia loves youuu."

Alrightie then.

I was still frozen from the events that just passed when Natsu came over to me with Lissana perched on his arm.

not her again.

"Hey Lucy!" Natsu said gleefully, "weve got some news." Erza and Gray (who recently detached himself from Juvia) joined behind them. They looked... uncomfortable.

oh crap. Natsu called me Lucy. Not Luce. WHY NOT LUCE?!?!

"Ok natsu whats up?" I responded timidly. News?

"Well, Lissana and I made a joint discision."

What now? Wait, Natsu can think?

"Lucy were kicking you off team Natsu and replacing you with Lissana..."


God please no.


...because youre weak we always have to save you and youre always complaining about your rent...

..with lissana, we dont have to worry about her every minuite." lissana smirked but then scowled when lucy was frozen in schock. She got all prissy and detonated like a grenade. "JUST GO AWAY YOU BITCH! THEY DONT WANT YOU! THEY DONT NEED YOU! THEY NEVER DID!!" Erza and Gray flinched. The guild became silent staring in shock at their 'sweet' Lissana.

This snapped me out of my horrified daze.

"I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm also sorry that Mira and Elfman have to put up with you all day. Good luck, Lissana. You finally got what you wanted."

they didnt need me.

She looked back. Lissana was right.

They could always handle themselves and the situation without her.

*Gray's pov

What are you doing? Say something! You don't want this!
It was clear that I wasn't the only one who thought this. Erza was looking down in shame.

I felt like shit. Couldn't Natsu see that Lucy was hurting? He had become completely spineless when it came to Lissana. It was great when she first came back, but she was different. The sweet, cute, kind little girl we knew as kids was gone, replaced by that thing they call Lissana. Lucy my little sister, my real family, was getting hurt so badly. And what did I do?

I'm so sorry, Lucy... Please forgive me...

*Erza's pov.

No Lucy, I don't feel that way at all! You're stronger than this... than her.
I wanted to tell her that they were wrong and that she kept the team together. Heck, she helped them reform the team!
Why Natsu? She loved you! She was even nice to Lis when she didn't even know her! You crushed her dreams!
I didn't know how to tell her the truth about my feelings. She was never a replacement for Lissana, she was our star, the light in all of our hearts
I'm so sorry, Lucy; my best friend, my baby sister. Please, Don't leave me Lucy...


It all came crashing down like a broken, beautiful mosaoic. Her memories. Her hopes for the future. It was all gone. Her whole world.


your cliche lucy replacement story... crossover??Where stories live. Discover now