imagine being in omaha squad *from tumblr*
#1 hacking their insta and twitter / them hacking you back
#2 Sammy being all flirty
#3 Having those days where you all just laze around in one room the whole day, dealing with your hangovers
#4 Nate constantly teasing you
#5 being mistaken for their girlfriend
#6 "Gilinsky, I need to talk to you about that last snap"
#7 Gilinsky being goofy with you
#8 wearing their clothes whenever they leave something at your house
#9 Johnson giving you advice
#10 getting high together
#11 them asking for your opinion on new music
#12 "Sammy, pull your pants up"
#13 them giving you the dumbest nicknames
#14 being in their snapchats
#15 skating with Sammy and Nate
#16 playing basketball
#17 being good friends with Gilinskys sisters
#18 them randomly showing up at your place and convincing you to come along with them
#19 having long talks with Sammys mom whenever you're at his place
#20 them having serious discussions about your ass
#21 "No Nate, I haven't seen your bob marley lighter"
#22 Gilinsky playing your boyfriend whenever you don't want a guy flirting with you
#23 "Hey Jack?... no, the other Jack."
#24 having seen each of them naked at some point, because of different drunk/high stories
#25 "Samuel, what the hell are you wearing?"
#26 them getting you the most random birthday presents nobody else would think of giving you, just because you never wish for anything and they know you prefer those random, funny presents
#27 shopping and girl nights out with Emily Wilk
#28 fans asking you to tell them hi / make them recognize em
#29 John being like a brother to you
#30 making fun of Nates clumsiness
#31 Nates younger brother having a crush on you and Nate being annoyed about it
#32 helping Jack & Jack making vines
#33 "Whoa Johnson, you need to talk slower, this is not a rap battle"
#34 "Nice boxers, Nate"