Once upon a time roughly 2,000 years ago, horses, unicorns and Pegasi never got along. They were even divided into their own tribes. A young mare in the unicorn tribe by the name of Daisy, kept a secret that was long to be hidden from the leader. She knew it would be dangerous to keep it from her own tribe but she did it for her and her lovers protection. Once she gave birth, the leader, Brenton was curious.He seen a horn and knew that the foal was one of them. Then, he saw the wings. "Ikke mulig. (Not possible.)" Brenton mumbled. The rest of the tribe went silent. "Jeg forstår ikke. Hvordan er dette mulig? (I don't understand. How is this possible? )" Daisy tried to lie her way out of it. Brenton stared at her for some time before finally speaking up. "Du vet hva vi må gjøre, Daisy. (You know what we have to do, Daisy. )" Brenton said quietly. Daisy repeatedly shakes her head and begins to tear up.
Just then a Pegasus decided to make an appearance. Everyone stopped in their movements and stared. Daisy's eyes widen with guilt. "Jeg heter Apollo. Det Alicorn-føllet er datteren min. (My name is Apollo. That Alicorn filly, is my daughter. )" The strange Pegasus said. Brenton's eyes widen. He looked at Daisy, then back at Apollo, too stunned to speak. Throughout the argument, Brenton called a meeting with the tribe. "Det gjør det. offeret skjer nå. (That does it. the sacrifice happens now. )" He called out.
Daisy and Apollo's eyes widen. "Ingen.. (no)" Daisy mumbled. Apollo tried to comfort her. "Cassiopeia?" Apollo asks softly. Daisy looked at him puzzled. "Hva?(What?)" She questions. "Det er navnet hennes. (That's her name. )" He replied with a soft smile wrapping his wing around her back. Then it was time. "Det er på tide å kvitte seg med denne vederstyggeligheten! (It is time to dispose of this abomination! )" Brenton announced as he told Daisy that she was going to do it. Slowly, Daisy stood up holding Cass in her hoof.
Once Daisy got to the top of the mountain, she began to plead with Brenton. "Vær så snill... ikke ta føllet mitt fra meg. Jeg skal gjøre hva som helst. (Please... don't take my foal away from me. I'll do anything. )" Brenton rolled his eyes. "Her er dine to alternativer. Enten, kast den inn. to, bli forvist og se hvordan du vil overleve på egen hånd. uten ponni å ta vare på deg. (Here are your two options. Either one, throw it in. two, get banished and see how you will survive on your own. with no pony to care for you. )" He said sternly. She looked down at Apollo while the unicorns held him back. She smiled softly. "Jeg beklager.. (I'm sorry. )" she said.
His eyes widen as he knew what she had decided. He started frantically trying to break free from the unicorn's spell. "Nei, Daisy! Du kan ikke gjøre dette! (No, Daisy! You can't do this! )" He shouted. The unicorns tried to calm him claiming they would all be safer with the Alicorn gone. Just then, Daisy dropped her into the volcano and walked away. When Cass hit the lava, it all happened in seconds. Her fur disintegrated,
Her wings bursted into instant flames, she felt everything. Her horn melted as if it were glass, her skin fizzling off her body, mane and tail instantly fell off. Finally, she was dead and nothing was left except for bones. "Du vil angre på dette. Merk mine ord, Daisy. (You will regret this. Mark my words, Daisy. )" The unicorns finally let Apollo go. He instantly storms off. Left Daisy to drop to the ground and let out a loud sob. "Stå opp. (Get up. )" Brenton said angrily.
She violently shook her head. "Du drepte babyen min! (You killed my baby! )" Daisy jumped up and got into Brenton's face. He just laughed and zapped her with his magic to back her up. "Det var du som kastet henne inn. Haha! (You are the one who threw her in. Haha!)" It then hit her. She killed her own foal, now has to live with that for the rest of her life. Or what's left of it.
The lava was boiling, ready to erupt. The unicorns moved back not knowing how far it will go. Such a beautiful site. Eventually it erupted, all the unicorns watched in satisfaction. Until, they saw something in the shadows of the flames. "Ingen måte. (No way. )" Brenton mumbled, shocked by what he sees. Her mane and tail were just strands of fire, her horn was a reddish orange crystal color,
Her hooves were just lava coated with a hint of charcoal, body was black, jet black. Her veins had lava running through them, eyes were a flaming orange. All the unicorns stood there in fear and shock. "Jeg er Cassiopeia. Din verste nattkamerat. Haha haha! (I'm Cassiopeia. Your worst nightmate. Haha haha! )" Daisy's eyes widen farther than possible. "Hodet mitt? (My filly?)"
The Last Alicorn
FantasyA story about a young foal in an unwanted tribe was sent to her death, it's her job to decide if she wants to let things go, or make it worse. (This story also contains the Norwegian language)