The story

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"Well when the war started after Dismoisis began and the hell that came with it I was happy. I had a little sister and a family.

But when Dismoisis started my mom was diagnosed with it and then my dad we couldn't even say goodbye to them because of the fact that they were sick and they didn't want us getting sick too so we were forced to leave.

So it was just me and my younger sister Melody we were sad about our parents deaths but that's just life.

It was only when queen raina died because of  Dismoisis that the war broke out.

The fighting first didn't affect us but then the witches started kidnapping people they kidnapped princess Beatrix got kidnapped that everyone was affected by this war.

They kidnapped my little sister I couldn't protect Melody I didn't have time to protect her.

I was liveing alone on the outside of the city when I realized that I would find a way to end the war so I went the opposite side and crept through the forest.

But I got caught in the fighting I ran deeper into the woods I didn't even know I had went to the witches side. And then I got lost and found my way to a river. I heard foot steps I climbed into a tree.

Where I got bit by a moth dragon. Then I fell out of the tree I didn't know what to do then I woke up here."

I explained to them Akari looked horrified then she ran over to me being released from her brothers grip. "I'm sorry that happened to you, we will get you sister back I promise" her words where heavy I almost started crying

"thank you" I whispered too her quietly. "No problem" she said as she continued to hug me.

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