Niall's POV:
Zayn and I have been together for 3 years now I'm 20 and Zayn is 21 I will be 21 in a couple months.
Zayn wake up we have stuff to do today Zayn wake up, UGH, ZAYN WAKE UP I scream if his ears.
Zayn: ghhhhhhh what in trying to sleep!
Niall: You have to wake up we have a lot to do today for the party for Liam's birthday tomorrow we have to buy food and party supplies and not to mention we BIRTHDAY GIFT that you keep forgetting to get everytime you go to the store.
Zayn: Okay Okay I'm up now me daddy can I shower? Laughs.
Niall: Yes you can go shower but please try to hurry.
Zayn: okay daddy.
Niall: Stop calling me daddy.
Zayn: what if I want to call you daddy.
Niall: then call me daddy like boyfriend daddy and not the dad daddy way.
Zayn: yes daddy, in cute voice
Niall: Go shower!
Zay: yea yea I'm going.
10 minutes later.....
Niall: ZAYN HUR... Gets cut off
Zayn: I'm here and that my name don't wear it out.
Niall: while Zayn is blow drying his hair I am making a small break because we have to hurry and get started on our day. Finally your done now here eat this and drink this we have to go. Gives a peanut butter and banana sand witch and a cold ice tea,
Zayn: that's it?
Niall: Yes we have to go now come on, we get in the car and drive to party store, once we arrived bat the party store Zayn grabbed a trolley, here is the list of things we need to get, only get what's on the list.
Zayn: signs and puts head down.
Niall: Zayn are you ok baby?
Zayn: yea just... You keep screaming at me like Niall I'm not stupid I know what we have to get and do please calm down your making me sad.
Niall: I'm sorry I can get a bit bossy now come here, give Zayn comforting hug, I love you Zayn I'm sorry for screaming at you about what to do.
Zayn:I love you to now let's get back to shopping.
Niall: okay I'll grab the cups and plates can you get a pinata I'm not tall enough.
Zayn: ok which one?
Niall: the football one(the UK version)
Zayn: Grabs football pinata and puts in trolley.
Niall: Once we were done at the party store we went to get Liam's birthday gift, we got him the new purple black and white sneakers. He has been talking about these sneakers for weeks. Now the last thing we have to do is get the cake, Zayn can you please on inside and get the cake I have to call Liam and make up an excuse for him to come over tomorrow. Of course but after this can we get some food I'm starving? Zayn stated. Yes ok course now go get the cake please. While Zayn went to get the cake I called Liam and asked him if he was doing anything tomorrow. No I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Liam stated well do you want to come over tomorrow and hang out for the day. Yes sure I don't have any plans anywa Liam stated. Ok see you tomorrow I gtg help Zayn with something. Ok bye. K bye. Hey babe I got the cake Zayn stated while getting I'm the car. K now we can get food what so you want?

Dead or Alive / a ziall story
Fiksi PenggemarZayn and Niall are in a relationship but what happens when Zayn dies but shows up at his own funeral?